Chapter 7

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" Stay out of the way !", Danica yells while she blocks a blow from a Draugr . It was the same one that had landed her in Mystic Falls.

" Well, we can't stay out of the way if we get attacked !", Damon yells back sarcastically when one of the other Draugr swipes at him with her  sword .

Not far from this one was a pile of ash that was once a male Draugr . Danica's sword had turned him to ash .

" You're technically undead so my sword could turn you to ash too!", she throws  back at him while she rams her shield into the Draugr .

Nobody listened as the two Draugr shouted using Unrelenting Force . Damon and Klaus found themselves flying across the room ,landing heavily against a wall .

" Damon!, " Danica screams ,but couldn't get to him because the Draugr she's fighting rounded back to her to swipe at her with his sword .

She just barely lifted her shield to block it .

" You insufferable piece of rotten skin !", she screams in fury as she swings her sword at it in retaliation for hurting her friend and almost offing her too .

The Draugr just laughed its  odd gutteral laugh before readying himself to shout at her .

" Oh , no you don't ", she snaps before readying herself to counter the shout .

This time around when their shouts meet she don't get thrown into an unknown world  . She simply ends up against a wall.

Stefan is quick to end the Draugr by ripping out it's heart like Damon did in Mystic Falls.

" Are you ,Okay ?", Elena asks Danica as she helps her to her feet .

" Yes , I'm alright , this isn't my first time ending up against a wall ,it won't be the last one either ".

She looked around at the others and smiled . " Didn't believe me when I warned you about them being vicious now did you?, well, I would've said I told you so ,but I just want to get out of here , so let's move ".

They didn't argue . At least they were all alive and well otherwise they'd be in real trouble .

They left the huge Arena like room through the door that had given them away to the Draugr when Danica had pulled the lever.

The hall they step into is one she'll always recognize because of the pictures carved on the walls .

" Well ,this is unexpected ",she says to the others ," usually I would've had to walk down a corridor or some stairs to have stumbled onto the Hall of Stories ".

Nobody replies as they follow her towards a door that Danica has a lot to say about .

" Oh, I should've known ", she groans ", a Ringed Puzzle door and no Dragon claw in sight , how am I supposed to open it if I don't have the damn key?".

" Did you say Dragon claw ?", Jeremy Gilbert asks .

When she nods he continues " I saw one back there on some kind of pedestal ".

A smile breaks out on Danica's lips as she quickly hugs Jeremy in thanks before sprinting off to go get the claw .

Sure enough the claw was where he had seen it . On a pedestal. She picked it up and gasped at what it was made of .

"Dragon Bone ?, how unfortunate for the Bone donor", she says to herself shaking her head sadly.

She makes her way back to the others quickly and checks the claw's underside before turning the rings .

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