I'm his brother!

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David loved being a newise. Probably loved it more that books at this point. And David loves reading. But there has been one thing about the newsies that made him loose confidence or would make him feel down.

You see Les, his younger brother, joined as well. David and Les were quite close so when Les started to hang out with the newsies, or talk about them none stop, David felt...like he wasn't good enough.

He wasn't extremely brave, or sarcastic, sure he can put a clever joke here and there but it wasn't anything Jack couldn't do. Jack. Les adored Jack.  But why wouldn't he? He was the great leader of Manhattan.

David always tried to speak to Les or do an activity. But Jack would always be there or turn up in the conversation.

"Oh Jack can do it better"

"That's so cool! I need to show Jack that!"

"Can I invite Jack?"

It came to the point David had just given up. He hated it. Seeing his brother hang out with a newer, cooler version of himself.
(BMC reference there 😉 DAVID IN THE BATHROOM!)
He hated that everything he did Jack could do better.

"Hey Les look at this!" Jack made a funny face at Les. Les found it hilarious, making him laugh so hard it was hard to breathe.

David was on the other side of the Deli, he just watched as they both had a great time.

"You going to eat?" Crutchie asked him. He was fixing Scarlet's hair, before she went over to Romeo.

"Not in the mood" David sigh turning to his friend. Crutchie could tell something was bugging him. He then proceeded to ask him what was up. David just shrugged and said it was nothing.

"It can't be nothing" Crutchie said, continuing this at the Lodging House. David was reading a book, trying to get his mind off things "It's better than keeping it a secret"

David then tried to read more, trying to block everything out.

"Other wise your just going to explode-"

"I'm jealous of Jack ok!" David snapped and threw his book to the floor. Crutchie stared at David. He must be upset if he threw a book.

"But why?"

"Because Les adores him! He won't stop talking about him! How amazing he is!" David crossed his arms "I've been replaced."

"Don't say that!" Crutchie patted his shoulder "Les does like hanging out with Jack. But he's your brother. Of course he loves you! Hey maybe just speak to him tonight"

David thought and nodded. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea. Also it's been a while since he told Les a bed time story.

The laughter of two boys filled the halls. The door was open in the bunk room, so they could see Jack and Les walk passed.

"Hey Les I was thinking-"

"Sorry David. Got to run!" Les said back before heading down the hall.

"Oh..eh..ok" David sighed picking up his book. Maybe Les was just to busy for him now.


David and Les were back at the house. Les was in a happy mood, explaining to his parents what events happened that day.

"Then Jack made funny faces. Oh! Also when me and Jack were selling I sold my last pape to this lady. She said I was super nice. Jack said I'm a natural"


David had excused himself that night. He went to his room and did some homework. But thoughts just filled his Brian.

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