Why I write newsies fanfics

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Ok so I've been a bit sad, don't want y'all to feel sorry for me, but just wanted to write this.

I don't have older brothers. That's the one thing I always wanted. People I know say they're annoying but you don't understand how much I want a brother.

I've had boy who are friends/best friends with me. But time passes and they want to talk to other people, don't have the same interests as me, or we just don't talk.

I'm not alone. I know people who'll have my back but I'm just scared I'll never have a close relationship as I did have with some people.

I always wanted Jack Kelly to be my older brother, stupid I know, I just feel sad watching newsies now. I want them all to be there in my life: loving me, protecting me, helping me. The reality is I don't have anyone like that. I makes me so sad thinking about it.

I want Jack to teach me things (like a big brother or parent would)

I want Spot Conlon to scare off kids that annoy me

I want Romeo to flirt with me as fun.

I want a sarcastic friend like Race.

I want a sweet friend like Crutchie

I want Albert to make pranks with me .


So that's why I usual write about a girl having lots of older brothers (newsies) because that's what I want in life.

I'm not complaining. I love the people around me but at times, like right now, it hits you hard in the chest when you come back to reality.

Will probs update June Conlon series around Sat / Sunday

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