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February came faster than it was supposed to. I randomly threw on a shirt and jeans before my boots and stumbling to the kitchen. Drew whistled. "Have fun at school today." He said. I finished my breakfast before dad took me to school. Mom took the younger two brothers to middle school.

As I sat in first hour the quarterback sat down in front of me. "Are you still hooked on him?" He asked. I looked down at the shirt I had on. "No. I didn't buy it. My brother did. He gave me the money and told me which one to pay it towards. I was just asked my size, chose it, and went with it." I said.

He sat back. I continued to do my work. The door to the class opened. "Have fun." He said before moving back to his seat. I continued my work. The seat behind me became occupied. My hair was lightly tugged. Then a note was set on my desk. I opened it. The scrawl was familiar.

'Would you like to go with me to lunch?' He's never done anything like this until now. 'What's the catch?' I asked. I folded it up and passed it back. It was passed back to me. 'No catch. I'll buy from wherever you want to go for lunch.' He wrote. I wrote my number down and passed the note back.

My thighs vibrated. I moved my phone to see what it was. 'Thank you.' 'No problem.' I texted back. I saved his number and continued with my work. When I was done, Drew asked if Blake was behind me. I sent him a yes before playing a game. Blake sent me a text starting a conversation between us.

At the end of the class, I gathered my things and carried my hoodie to my next class. As I sat down in my seat Blake entered sitting down in front of me. We have the first two classes together but never sat near each other. 'You stick out like a sore thumb in a shirt with my name and number.' Blake texted me.

'Too bad.' I told him. "Don't you play baseball?" I asked in a near whisper. "Yeah." He answered. "What number?" I asked. "The same." He answered. I didn't pay attention to the teacher at all. I used Photomath for my math work before going back to my game.

At the end of the class, I packed up and waited for the bell to ring. When it did, I had to follow Blake out. I then went to my next class. As I sat down, a few of the football players sat down around me. "So your Blake's girl?" One of them asked. "Nope." I answered as I played on my phone waiting for the teacher to start.

Blake texted me. 'I'm bored without you in my class.' I sent him a text back. 'Your buddies won't leave me alone. They think we're dating.' I sent. 'We're not. We can talk more at lunch if texting is uncomfortable for you.' He sent. 'I'm comfortable texting, it's the fact that we never have interacted like this since we met when our brothers did.' I sent him.

'So what! We never needed to. I would rather talk than have someone reading my texts over my shoulder.' He sent. I exited out of my texts. As soon as the morning classes were over, Blake texted me saying that he was going to wait out front for me. I pulled my hoodie on and spotted Blake.

"Sporting your brother?" He asked. "I literally threw clothes on this morning because I didn't feel like getting dressed." I said. "Sounds accurate." He said holding the doors open for me. Then walked beside me on the side of the wind. I walked slightly behind. When we got to his truck he opened the door for me looking around.

I got in and he closed the door. Then went around to get in. "Did you decide where to eat?" He asked. "How bout buffet?" I asked. Sounds fine. When do you need to be at the other school?" He asked. "Twelve." I answered. He nodded as he pulled out. When we got there, we got out and went inside. He opened both doors for me and paid for two to go boxes.

I piled mine full of everything I liked. So did he. We then went back to his truck and went to the votech. He parked and we ate mostly in silence until I spoke. "What were you wanting to tell me that you couldn't over text?" I asked.

"I want to get to know you better Abi. I really do. The guys though." He stopped and looked away. "They don't think that it would work." I said. "One point." He said. "They don't like me do they?" I asked. He scofffed. "They all want to date you." He said. I shook my head as I took another bite.

"They know my brother and know he will kick their butts if they do anything I don't like." I said. "Same for me." He said. "And yet your brother wasn't the one who put money towards you." I said. "Yeah. The football coach compared me to him until junior year when I sacked Jacob during a practice." He said.

"Your nothing like your brother. I was thinking that Matt was jealous when you started playing." I said. "Completely true. I should have sacked him while he was still playing." He said. I chuckled. "I would have paid money to see that!" I said.

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