11. Who Doesn't Love Chinese Take Away and Good Company?

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Chapter 11 - Who Doesn't Love Chinese Take Away and Good Company?

//Dedicated to Bel because; she loves cats, tea AND Thor, is my favorite wattpad writer and just an incredibly lovely person! You should all go check out her stories - they are amazing! xxx


We both looked at the door. I did not want to let go of Niall, who was holding me tight to his chest. Could we not just stay like this forever? With no interruptions from the world outside? Well I guess the universe was against my wish, because next thing we heard the tensed whispering voices from outside the door;

"Harry Styles, get that perfect arse of yours away from that door - it's my turn to look now!"

"No way Boo-bear - you can enjoy the sight of my butt instead. I am not moving! Anyway it's too dark in there to see anything and you already knocked on the damn door, stupid."

"Yeah, but only because you would not move you creeper, now get out of the way! Maybe they did not notice - I wanna see Miall in action, MOVE STYLES I HAVE TO SEE THIS! I SWEAR I WILL KICK YOUR BUTT AND..."

Niall looked at me and we both blushed. Miall? What the heck! I could not help beaming at him; he put his finger on my lips telling me to be quite. I nodded and much against my will, he let go off me. As he went over to open the door, I thought of what had just happened. Did I really want this? Did I want Niall to get involved in my life - and I in his? Was this the right thing to do at this point?

As I watched the blonde boy sneak over to the door like he was a freaking ninja, I decided I would think it over later. Tonight I would just enjoy the fact that my body was still summing after the kiss and that I felt so happy. It felt like I could burst out into singing at any second. Tonight I would let my heart enjoy the happiness - being reality and being sensible would just have to wait.

As Niall closed in on the door, he grabbed the handle and pulled it open with such a force, that the two 'creepers' outside fell over to the floor, as they could no longer lean against the door.

"Well this was certainly unexpected," Niall said with deep sarcasm in the voice; "And I thought the paparazzi's were creepers - turns out you guys are like a gazillion times worse, eh?" It was so noticeable; the joy and happiness was easy to hear in Niall's voice, even though he had caught them snooping - and yes act all creeper'ish. Niall just let out a laugh, as Louis and Harry started making up rubbish excuses for standing up against the door. As their cheeks turned all red, and they quickly jumped up from the floor, I joined in on Niall's laughter. Niall turned to me and his eyes were shinning like diamonds, so filled with excitement and delight. You would think he was a kid in a candy store, allowed to eat whatever he wanted.

I did not need to keep a fake smile on or pretend to be happy, right now I just felt thrilled and like flying over the clouds. Funny how emotions can change so quickly, uh?

His laughter slowly trailed off, he just smiled and looked at me; that gaze, that adorable smile, it all made my cheeks burn and I shyly looked at the floor smiling too. Maybe my luck had finally decided to change?

I had hurried to the toilet shortly after the arrival of the two creepers. I quickly removed any signs of the now dried tears and threw on a jumper, this place had walls thin as paper! Boo-bear and Hazza, (might as well get used to the nicknames right?) they were still a little blushed as I exited the bathroom. The three boys were sitting at the kitchen counter and Louis was smirking all over. Harry quickly straighten his back at the sight of me, he had been leaning in across the table island towards Niall and had been telling him something - something not for my ears to hear I assumed.

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