19. Abroad and Apart

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//Dedication to Hannah_Grace because she just read the entire story in like three hours and and and and ... WOW THANK YOU SO MUCH HANNAH!!!! :3//

Chapter 18 - Abroad and Apart


I had not expected I would miss him this much, not so bad it actually hurt. My blonde Irish Guardian angel. According to the original plan he should have been back home yesterday, but management had changed the plan to my dismay.

I was sitting on my bed with my macbook opened and skyping with Niall. They had been so extremely busy, which meant we had only been able to skype one time besides this one - thank god for text messages. Even though we had only been sending each other weird MMS and small messages it made my day so much brighter when my phone made that buzzing sound announcing yet another message.

On twitter the fans were following the boys intensely. All I had to do was search for Niall's name - and the latest papz photos of him leaving the hotel in Paris or doing an interview in Germany would show up. To be honest it kind of freaked me out - the fans even knew stuff like.. when the guys would arrive at the airport, which cars they would be travelling in, which hotels they would stay at. I do not even think Niall knew that, and yet thousands of young teen girls knew. Crazy.

"I finally understand what you meant by 'extreme fans'. I actually found several so called 'One Direction' updates accounts on twitter yesterday - I swear, I think I saw a picture of Liam eating breakfast or something - you know like a picture a maid or hotel management would be able to take. It's crazy! They are more effective than secret service or something!" I grinned and watched the digital live streaming video of Niall giggling as well. I think he too was lying on a bed, he yawned and let his hand through his tangled blonde hair. It was very late - Niall had texted me saying he had time to skype, when he got to his hotel. They had been interviewed all day by French interviewers and been promoting their upcoming album. With only a week left for the release of 'Take Me Home' the promoting had gone pretty extreme - also the reason for management to extend the Europe trip.

"Yeah I know. The lads and I have talked a lot about that, you know in the beginning we just thought it was coincidence or some joke. But as we got more popular our fans got more and more ...ehm interested in our movements. It's like ... if Harry got a tattoo they would know, before I even got the chance to see it ya know?" He yawned again, which made me smile. By now I had already told him twice to get some sleep, but he had refused and told me he wanted to see me. I swear Niall was the cutest when he was sleepy - "how are you guys handling it now?" I asked curiously. Somewhere deep inside of me I was wondering how anyone could live such a life, but I tried to avoid the thought since this might be part of my life sooner or later.

"Oh you know ... just gotta cope with it right? But ehm.. I or .. we...We think it's kind of getting to Zayn. He has been very quiet lately; I think it's hard for him with all this attention. He is a very private person you know," once again I nodded. As I had waited for Niall to dialled me over skype I had been seeing some paps photos of Zayn from yesterday, where he had been covering up his face with his hoodie. He had looked very tired and despaired in some way. For some reason it broke my heart hearing my fears confirmed by Niall, that my thoughtful superhero was not well. The moment I saw that photo of Zayn I had known something was wrong with him.

"Yeah I actually had the feeling something was up with him," I was deep in thoughts, as I saw Niall turn his face looking behind him into the dark, "Someone's at the door - hold on," I watched him as he got up from the bed, stretched and disappeared out of the video, probably to answer the door.

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