Chapter 1

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I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Ew. I wasn't even here a full day and I already have a hideous bruise on my cheek from when he slapped me and I have red marks all over my arms from when he pushed me down the stairs. Thankfully, it didn't really leave a mark when he threw the vase on my back. At least I don't think it did. I gently ran my finger over it, barely touching it, and I winced from the pain. Luckily, I have emergency makeup in my purse. I pulled out some concealer and applied it over the bruise, ignoring the pain I felt.

"Jasmine! I've got some people I want you to meet!" I heard Eddie call.

I mentally groaned and put my concealer back in my purse when I was done with it.

"Jasmine!!" Eddie called again.

"I'm coming!!" I shouted back.

I took one last look in the mirror and then went back downstairs, hissing at the pain I felt in my legs from being pushed down. Wanna know the worse part? These stairs are fucking wooden.

"There she is." Eddie smiled.

Ugh. I put on a smile at all the extra people in the room. Out of all of them, there were only two that I didn't recognize. All the others, I've seen before.

"Well? Introduce yourselves." Eddie said.

I mentally rolled my eyes.

"I'm Ariana." A girl with greenish whitish blondish hair said. I remember kicking her ass a while ago.

"I'm Jason." He winked and smirked. Of course I remember him.

"I'm Jeff." A guy who I don't recognize said.

"I'm Chase." Another guy who I don't recognize said.

"I'm Michelle." A girl who was glaring at me said. I remember Brooke throwing her into the TV. "By the way, Jason's my boyfriend. K?"

"Sure. I already have a boyfriend." I fakely smiled at her, which she returned.

"I'm Samantha." A girl with a fake smile on her face said. I remember throwing her into the coffee table.

"You already know me." Brenda said. Cunt.

"Me too." Acacia said. Two-faced cunt.

"Well, now you know everybody." Eddie spoke up. "Why don't you go upstairs and shower. I'll be up there in a minute."

I nodded and went upstairs. Once I got in his room, I closed the door, whipped my phone out, and dialed Brooke.

No answer. I dialed again.

Still no answer. One more time.

"Bloody fucking hell! Who is it?!"

Someone needs a snickers.

"Its me, Jasmine." I said in a hushed voice.

"Jasmine, you know better than to interrupt me and Jake when we're fucking."

"Brooke shut up for a minute."

"Why the hell are you whispering?"

"I said shut up! Let me explain!"

"You better be lucky I love you. If you were someone else talking to me like that, best believe we'd be fighting by now."

"Whatever. Listen. You remember Harry's rival?"


"I'm in his house."

"What the fuck?! You better not fucking turn on Harry or I swear its gonna be your ass!"

Bad Meets Evil (Sequel To Good Meets Bad)Where stories live. Discover now