Chapter 8

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I could hardly see the road, my vision is so blurry. I don't wanna go back to Eddie, but I have no other choice. I have no money and that won't get me anywhere. I can't stay with Eleanor and Louis because I still don't know where me and Eleanor stand. Harry's out of the question. Niall is always bringing home girls and that's gonna get way too annoying and I'd end up moving out. And I would be taking up too much space in the others' homes.

Ugh. Why can't life have a 'rewind' button?

BROOKE'S POV (A/N: Your time to shine lol)

"Damn. Someone was in a hurry." Jake said as we pulled up at the alley, referring to the car that just sped off.

"It looked like Harry's car though." I pointed out.

"True. Maybe he just went home? Clear his head?"

"Maybe. Lord knows he's broken about the break up." I said has I got out.

He came over to my side once he got out and wrapped his strong arm around my waist. I smiled to myself, I still get butterflies. We started the walk down to the alley, talking about random things as usual.

"Any reason why I saw handcuffs in your panties drawer?" Jake said out of the blue.

My face went red and I looked up at him, and he was smirking down at me. Well. There goes my 'surprise' for tonight.

"You weren't planning on using them, were you?" He asked.

"No. Of course not." I lied.

"Good. Because I stole them." He smirked.

Well. Tonight should be fun. We heard a small moan and we turned our heads towards the sound. What we saw, was something we would never expect to see.

Harry was all over her.

And that 'her', was not Jasmine.

"Harry! What the fuck are you doing?!" Jake shouted.

They turned their heads towards us.

"And you, what the hell are you doing in our alley?!" I yelled at Acacia.

"What the hell does it look like?" She smirked and brought down Harry's lips to hers.

He didn't try stopping her either. I went over there, pulled Harry off of that 5 dollar slut, and slapped him. Not hard though. Just slapping some sense into him.

"What. The. Fuck. Are. You. Doing. With. Her." I said through clenched teeth.

He glared at me with anger in his eyes.

"You're so damn lucky you're a woman." He said lowly.

"Don't avoid the question." I kept my hard glare on him.

"Its obviously none of your business." I heard Acacia say.

"I don't believe your name is Harry." I shot at her.

"Dude. Out of all women. Her?" Jake said to Harry.

He obviously didn't approve.

"Listen. What I do, is none of your fucking business." Harry said to both of us. "I'm grown. I'm single. I can do whatever and whoever I want. My life has nothing to do with you."

Oh how I wanna slap him harder.

"Did you even consider how Jasmine would feel about this?" I asked.

I was hoping that would smack some sense into him, without me actually having to. I was wrong.

He chuckled without humor.

Bad Meets Evil (Sequel To Good Meets Bad)Where stories live. Discover now