Chapter 29

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"Who was it?" Harry asked once I got back in the room.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. This is really gonna work him up.

"They're looking for me. Already." I said quietly.

His face immediately hardened. He shot up from the bed and threw on a shirt.

"I don't fucking know why he won't leave you alone." He grumbled, walking past me and rushing downstairs.

"Harry! Stop! Please don't start anything! Besides, she was too dumb to realize it was me!" I yelled after him, rushing downstairs also.

He turned around to me.

"Who was?" He asked.

"Ariana. Her dumb ass didn't recognize me because I dyed my hair. For all we know, they're gonna be looking for me for months."

"Not if they get Eddie involved." He said, pulling on his coat.

I sighed. I might as well tell him now so he won't do anything stupid. Eddie confuses me though. I mean, he wants to talk things out with Harry, yet he keeps pissing him off. Whatever.

"Harry, before you go, can I tell you something?"

"What is it boo?" He asked, grabbing his car keys.

"Its about Eddie..." I trailed off.

"Don't worry. Gonna take care of that douche right now."

"No its not that. Its...well he told me a story." I started.

"A story?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. A story."

"What story?"

"Well, a story about when you guys were younger..." I started, feeling a bit nervous. "Harry, he really regrets what he did. He told me himself."

"You wanna know something? That prick is a liar." He said, his voice getting deeper. "He doesn't feel any fucking thing. Nothing. He's filling your head up with complete bullshit just so you'd feel sorry for him. Don't believe shit he says, you hear me?"

"Harry at least give him a cha--"

"No! That dick killed my family! He doesn't deserve any chances from me!"

"Harry! His story seemed real enough for me! I bet if I told you everything, memories would come rushing back to your head about how close you two were and you'd wanna talk things out too!"

"Its too fucking late now! Those days are over and they aren't coming back! They never will! Because now, I can't look at that shithead without wanting to rip out his internal organs!"

"I understand he killed your family but damn! He's the only family you have left! Do you wanna spend the rest of your life fighting with him?!"

"Yeah but I don't fucking need him. And he's not the only family I have left." He brought his hand up and gently cupped my cheek. "I have you."

"Harry." I said softly. "Please...just talk to him."

He shook his head.


I sighed, defeated. I know there's no point in arguing with him. He's stubborn like that. He pulled me into his arms and just held me.

"I don't need you worrying about me and Eddie's relationship ok?" He mumbled into my hair. "Just worry about you, and trying your best to stay away from that gang."


"You give me that kind of somethin. Wanted all the time, needed everyday. On a scale of 1 to 10 I'm at a hundred. Never get enough, I can't stay away." I sang as I fixed me and Harry something to eat.

Soon, I felt strong arms wrap around me.

"You sing just like her." He said as he rested my chin on his shoulder.

I chuckled at that.

"Eleanor always told me that. She even said I looked like her."

"You do. Same brown eyes. Same cute dimples."

"Nahh." I said and shook my head. "I don't see it. Plus, we're nothing alike. She's all bubblegum and lollipops. I'm the total opposite."

"That, and you're way more sexier." I could practically feel him smirking.

I felt him start nibbling on my neck, and as much as I wanted to give in, I was starving.

"Nooo." I protested. "I'm hungry."

"You can eat after." He mumbled against my neck.

"But I don't wanna be hungry the whole time." I said, almost letting out a moan.

He pressed himself against my backside harder, grinding slowly. Curse him for being so damn tempting.

"Tell me you don't want it." He whispered in my ear. "Tell me to stop."

My breathing got heavier and I found myself softly moaning. Well, no sense in hiding it now.

"I c-can't." I breathed out.

He smirked and lifted me up quickly, taking us to the bedroom.

Bad Meets Evil (Sequel To Good Meets Bad)Where stories live. Discover now