Chapter 15

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Ugh. I'm bored. I haven't talked to anybody from Harry's gang in weeks. Bleh. I guess I'll call Brooke. I need someone to make me laugh.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey Brooke, its Minnie. Remember me?"

"Of course! How can I not remember my best friend!"

"Well fuck. I haven't seen you in weeks. Like a month."

"Yeah babes I miss you."

"I miss you too. I'm sorry about Jake. I honestly didn't know that Eddie was gonna do that."

"I wanna kill Eddie. So hard. If it weren't for him, I would be fucking the shit out of Jake right now."

I giggled.

"You talk about your sex life a lot." I pointed out.

"You're interested in it, really."

"Oh yeah totally. So who'd you fuck last night?" I joked.

Then there was a pause on the other line. A very long pause...

"I gotta go. Perrie wants me to go shopping with her."

"Poo. Call me later k?"

"K. Love you."

"Love you too."

And then I hung up. So now I'm bored again.


God that was a close one.

"Who was that?" I heard Harry mumble into the pillow.


His head immediately shot up.

"My Jasmine?" He asked.


"What did she say?"

"Nothing really. She just apologized about Eddie shooting Jake and then we somehow got onto my sex life and then if I didn't come up with that excuse to hang up, I would've accidentally told her what I was doing."

He groaned and rolled over on his back, laying his arm across his face.

"I feel like such a dick right now. I'm hurting her and she doesn't even know it."

"I know right? I feel like such a bitch right now."

"You are." He joked.

"Shut it." I giggled. "So do you think we should stop?"

He sighed.

"We probably should." He answered.

I sighed and got up, putting my clothes back on. When I was done, I grabbed my phone and started heading downstairs.

"I'll walk you down." He said and followed me.

Once I opened the door, he closed it back and turned me around to face him.

"One last kiss?" He asked.

I smiled and connected my lips against his. I was gonna pull away, but he deepened the kiss. He forced his tongue into my mouth, exploring every corner of it. He backed me up against the door and pressed himself against me, his tongue never leaving my mouth. I let my hands go to his hair and gently fist it, making him let out a soft moan into my mouth. He finally pulled away, both of our breaths heavy.

"Wanna take this to the bedroom?" He breathed out.

"You bet."


"Jasmine!" I heard Eddie call from downstairs.


"Come here!"

I groaned and took a few moments to force myself off of the bed.

"What?" I said as I was walking down the stairs.

I looked up and I saw a not-so-pleased Eddie standing there with his arms folded, another girl who's name I think is Michelle and she looked pissed, and Acacia standing next to her with a huge smirk on her face.

"May I help you?" I asked.

It was a silence before Michelle spoke up.

"A little birdie told me you did something with my boyfriend."

Bad Meets Evil (Sequel To Good Meets Bad)Where stories live. Discover now