Chapter 9

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I don't know why, but lately, Eddie's been...civilized to me. The other night, he actually let me go out and have fun. Sure it wasn't with the people I wanted, but I left them alone and danced by myself. I wasn't 'allowed to drink' though. Ain't that some shit.

"So what do you wanna do today?" Eddie asked me while plopping himself down on the couch next to me and throwing his arm around my shoulder.

Weird. But I can't use the 'I have a boyfriend' excuse anymore. Cuz...yeah.

"Can I ask you something first?" I said, not looking up at him.

"Sure. What is it?"

"Why are you not being a dick to me? What's made you nice all of a sudden?"

"Would you rather me be a dick to you?"

"No! Its just...weird. I mean, you haven't even hit me since Harry and I broke up. In fact, since then, you've actually been kinda sweet to me."

"I may be evil, I may be cruel, and I may be a little abusive--"

"A little?" I interrupted.

"But deep inside, way way wayyyyy deep inside, I'm still the same Eddie I used to be." He finished, ignoring my little side comment. "Tea?" He offered.


He smiled and got up, walking to the kitchen.

Please tell me I'm not the only one freaked out about this.


I think it finally hit me that Jas isn't mine anymore. Lately, I've been terrible. I can't go a full hour without crying, and inspite of me being newly single, I haven't slept with any women. I've barely left my house. I haven't been to the alley in days.

Do you see why I don't do relationships? They fuck up your brain.

I heard my phone ring and I put my pillow over my head so I won't be able to hear it as good. Soon, it stopped ringing and I sighed of relief, bringing the pillow down from my head. Then it started again and I brought the pillow back up.

"Leave me alone." I whined to nobody.

It stopped, and I brought the pillow back down. Then it started again and I brought the pillow back up.

"Stop it." I whined again.

It went on like this for at least 10 minutes before I angrily shot up out of bed and answered my phone.

"What the fuck do you want?!" I yelled into it.

"Damn. Calm the fuck down." Niall said on the other line. "I was just calling to ask if you wanted to come to Pleasure Zone tonight. Grab a few drinks, take some chicks home, like old times. Get your mind off of you-know-who."

I thought about it for a while.

"But what about Jasmine? What'll she say about it?" I said.

"Harry, you're not dating her anymore. She can't say anything about it. And besides, how would she find out?"

"Oh...right. Sorry, I'm just...used to her. Her beautiful smile. Her twinkling brown eyes. Her bright red hair. Her--"

"Stopppp." He whined. "You know I'm not the guy to talk about relationships. Go to Zayn for that shit."

"Right. Sorry again."

"So? Yes or no?"

Well. I am single.

"Yeah. Meet you there at 9."

"That's the Harry I know."


"Oh my god your hair is insane." A dumb red-head said to me in her southern accent.

I'm having a hard time tolerating her. Niall picked her out. If you remember the color of Jasmine's hair, you'd know why.

"Yeah. It used to be normal and then one day I guess it just...went insane."

She laughed harder than she should have and let out a few snorts. (A/N: If any of you are southern , I'm not making fun of you guys. Don't worry .)

"You know what? I got a hankerin' for a Starstruck Goose Cocktail. Those are granny-slappin' good."

She's got a what? Why would she wanna slap her granny?

"Ok?" I answered awkwardly.

After she ordered her drink, she looked me in the eye and wrapped her red lips around her straw, sucking the drink slowly.

No. That doesn't turn me on.

She pulled her lips away from the straw and smirked at me, before her eyes wandered around the place. They stopped in one direction (A/N: Hehe) and I followed her gaze. I saw a brunette staring at me with a seductive smirk on her face and look at me up and down.

"Yikes. Looks like she fell from the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down." The red-head said. That's not very nice. "Not you though. You're hotter than a goat's butt in a pepper patch." I look like a goat's bum? "And she needs to stop makin them googly eyes at you before I go over there and put a good lickin' on her."

Wait. Did Niall try to hook me up with a lesbian?

"I'm sorry. Am I makin you uncomfortable with all my rough talk?" She asked me.

What does that even mean?

"Sure?" I answered, more in the form of a question.

"I'm sorry. I get jealous easy. But I think she should stop starin at you cuz that's not doin for her. Almost as useless as tits on a bull."

Alright I'm out.

"I think we should see other people." I said and hurried away from her.


Me and Eddie were sitting in silence, watching TV and sipping on our tea. In the corner of my eye, I saw him glance over at me a few times and look back at the TV, but I pretended not to notice it.

"Are you enjoying your tea?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. Its good." I replied and sipped it again.

I could tell he was trying to make a conversation with me. I had no idea why though.

"Oooh! I love this movie." He said and turned the volume up.

It was Shrek. He just turned to it.

"Oh that's great, really. Now why don't you go celebrate your freedom with your own friends? Hm? But uhh...I don't have any friends. And I'm not goin out there by myself. Hey wait a minute! I got a great idea! I'll stick with you! You a mean, green, fightin machine. Together we'll scare the spit out of anybody that crosses us." He quoted the movie.

Then he turned to look at me and chuckled.

"I like Shrek." He stated.

I rolled my eyes at him, but I couldn't fight the smile that formed on my face.

"Me too." I said after a moment.

Bad Meets Evil (Sequel To Good Meets Bad)Where stories live. Discover now