Chapter 24

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After I texted Perrie, since Brooke wasn't answering me and Perrie's the second closest to her, I found out that she wasn't at home. She was at Zayn and Perrie's house, but only Perrie was there. She stayed the night too. Poor Zayn. He's probably the only one in the group that didn't get any. Sad.

"I'll see you later, boo." Harry said as he pulled up to Perrie's house, leaning over for a kiss.

"See you." I smiled and got out.

I went to Perrie's door and knocked on it, her answering it almost a minute later.

"Hey." She greeted.

"Hey." I returned, stepping in and closing the door behind me. "Where's Brooke?"

"Living room. Tea? Coffee? Anything?"

"No, I'm fine. But can I talk to her alone for a second?"

"Sure." And with that, she headed upstairs.

I know what you're thinking. Why am I forgiving her this early? Well, if you had a friendship like we had, you wouldn't wanna lose her either. Plus, it wasn't entirely her fault anyway. Harry was a part of it too, so I can't just forgive him and stay mad at her because that's fucked up. Like, really fucked up.

I entered the living room, finding Brooke passed out on the couch with a few of beer bottles on the floor and tissues surrounding her. She's a heavy drinker when she's upset.

"Brooke?" I said softly, shaking her lightly. "Brookie." I said, shaking her again, but she wouldn't budge.

She left me no choice. She might get pissed, but whatever. I put my mouth close to her ear.

"BROOKE!" I yelled into it, making her shoot up, causing us to bump heads.

"Owww." We groaned simultaneously, rubbing our heads.

She sniffled and wiped her eyes a bit, then looked at me and furrowed her eyebrows.

"What're you doing here?" She asked.

Her voice was rough and raspy from sleeping so much, and her makeup was smudged.

"I came to forgive you." I admitted.

"Forgive me? I thought you said you hated me and that you never wanted to see me again."

"You think I meant that? I was just mad. I say shit thats on my mind when I'm mad and I don't mean any of it."

"True." She agreed. "Have you talked to Harry?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "If me and you go back to being friends, everything's back to normal. That's all I want and I swear I'll be the happiest girl on earth."

She smiled when I said that.

"So we're good?" She said.

"We're good." I confirmed.

She reached out for a hug, and I accepted it, ignoring her stench of alcohol.

"You're gonna shower right?" I said.

"Wasn't planning on it."

I lifted my head up at her and looked at her like she was crazy.

"I'm kidding." She chuckled. "I was planning to shower after I woke up."

"Well hurry up. I'm gonna call all the girls and we're gonna have a girls' day at the mall."

"Is Eleanor coming?"

"Of course. Why?"

"You two made up?"

"Yup." I nodded. "Last night."

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