Chapter 10

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"Dude that same thing happened to Harry!" I exclaimed as I was laughing. "He told me it was the last time he ever goes for the boobs while he cums!"

"That shit got all over me! Fuck it being the last time I go for the boobs, its the last time I fuck a girl with fake tits!" He laughed.

We weren't even paying attention to the movie anymore. He's telling me funny stories about what happened in his past. Right now, he just got finished telling me about the time he made a girl's fake boobs pop from squeezing them too hard.

"Her plastic surgeon was absolute shit. She found him off of craigslist I think." He said once he calmed down.

It feels weird actually talking to Eddie and getting to know him. But I kinda like it. I mean, its better than getting beaten and raped.

"Eddie, can I ask you something? Again?" I said, once all my laughter died down.

"Sure. What is it?"

"I'm sorry but, I've been dying to know this since you did it. Remember the first time I tried escaping?"

He frowned a little. Oops.

"Yeah." He answered quietly.

"When we were in the alley, you had me up against the wall and you were about to hit me..." He tensed up. "...and then Harry came..." I swallowed a lump in my throat as I thought of him. "...and threw you off. You were on the ground for a while, and then you got back up and had Harry against the wall like you were about to hit him. But you didn't. Why?"

He sighed deeply.

"I had a feeling you were gonna ask me that at some point." He groaned and ran a hand through his curls. "Here's the thing..." He started. "I don't hate Harry as much as he hates me."

I gasped loudly and over-dramatically. And I didn't even do it on purpose. I was genuinely shocked.

" two...why?" I couldn't even form a proper sentence.

Can you blame me? I mean, it looked like the amount of hate was mutual between them.

"I know, its shocking. But...he didn't really give me a reason to hate him. I gave him tons of reasons, but he never gave me one. I just hate him because he hates me."

"But why don't you hate him? And if you don't hate him that much, why are you doing all of this to him?"

"We're rivals in a war. What do you expect?"

"Ok...but why?"

"God. I have to give you the full story." He groaned. "Ok so, this may sound odd, but when Harry and I were younger, we were actually really close." I gasped again. "In fact, I was the closest to him, and he was the closest to me. We were inseparable. He was always so sweet and kind to everybody, and everybody loved him. But you know that in one of two people, someone always has a favorite." His face turned into a frown. "And that favorite was Harry. He would always get all the attention out of everybody. He was the family's favorite, random people's favorite, even the cat's favorite. Nobody liked me, and I don't know why. I was never mean to anyone." I heard his voice cracking a little. "Whenever it was our birthday, people would forget all about me and just celebrate it for Harry. Literally. Every time they made a banner, or a cake, it would say 'Happy Birthday Harry'. I was just invisible to everyone. Except for Harry. He was the only person who loved and cared for me. Whenever they wouldn't celebrate our birthday for both of us and just for him, we would just celebrate it together. Just us two, nobody else." A smile etched onto his face. "He would share all his gifts and his cake with me. Whenever he saw that I was upset, which was 95% of the time, he would always find a way to make me feel better. Sometimes we would stay up at night, past our bed times, and just watch movies and eat junk food and just talk and laugh at everything. And even though all his friends would try to leave me out of everything they did, he would always make sure I wasn't left behind. To him, I was never forgotten about." Then his face dropped to a frown again. "Then came the argument between me and my mum." Oh God. "It was horrible. I don't remember all of it, but to this day, I still remember those few sentences she said to me that fucked me up badly. She said 'You weren't even supposed to be born. Harry was the one that was planned. I don't know where the hell you came from, but I highly regret ever having you.' That night, I was crying. More than crying, I was bawling. Screaming. I threw a horrible tantrum. I threw everything around my room, I punched the wall multiple times, and I couldn't go to Harry because he was over at a sleepover that my mum purposely wouldn't let me go to. So..." He gulped. "I went to her room and saw her sleeping. I put duct tape over her mouth and tied her up. She was a really heavy sleeper. Then, even though I wasn't old enough, I drove her far away from the house. And, to keep it short, I murdered her. Badly. I mean, it was probably the most cruel thing I've ever done to anyone. I went home in the morning and found Harry on the sofa. He asked me where mum was, and I just told him that some things were better left unsaid. Then he found out I killed her, and we got into a huge fight about it that fucked up what we had. Pretty soon the whole family found out, and one by one, I killed each and every one of them. I don't know what was wrong with me. I felt like Michael fucking Myers. But now that I look back on it, I regret it badly. But I can't change it. They're all gone, and they're not coming back." He truly looked like he felt guilty and horrible for what he did. "And there's this one night that I remember very strongly. I remember creeping into Harry's room with a huge butcher knife in my hand. I saw him sleeping and tip-toed over to him. I raised the knife up, ready to stab the shit out of him...but I didn't. I realized what I was doing and stopped. I didn't want to hurt him. Sure he hated me, but I didn't hate him. After all, how could I? He was there for me through everything. And there was this one night where that purple-haired girl from his gang shot and killed my girlfriend. Before that, I had him in a head lock. I had him good, but I wasn't gonna do anything to him. The plan was that I hold him back while my girlfriend attacks the other girl. But that didn't work out too good since he stabbed me in the leg. That's why I didn't do anything to him, that day in the alley. I could never hurt him."

His story is sad enough to make a grown man cry. I don't all of a sudden love him or anything, and I'm not saying what he did was right, but I do feel sympathy for him. Nobody should have to go through that. I did the unthinkable and scooted over to him, engulfing him in a hug. Doesn't matter how bad he is, or what he did to me, everyone needs a hug once in a while.

Ugh. I'm starting to sound like old Jasmine.

I feel horrible that I just assumed he was evil without even knowing the real him. If you just sit down and have a normal conversation with him, you'll see that him and Harry are just alike. You would forget that you're talking to Eddie and think that you're talking to Harry. I know that sounds harsh, but the way Eddie comes off, he doesn't really sound like the 'Harry type'.

I actually think that me and him could maybe get along.

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