Chapter 32

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Two weeks after that incident, Jasmine found out she was pregnant. It was Harry's baby of course, and it was the cutest little bundle of joy ever. Fast forward to 5 years later, and Jarry is still growing strong.



I woke up to an empty space next to me. They probably went for another walk. Harry always takes Jacob for walks in the morning for a little father-son bonding time.

I threw the covers off of me and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, standing up and heading to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and jumped a little at my reflection. My bedhead is horrible. I grabbed my brush off of the counter and began brushing it out, when I spotted the diamond on my left finger. I quickly held it up in front of my face and gasped.

He didn't...

"I see you've noticed it."

I turned around and saw Harry standing against the doorway with his arms crossed and a grin on his face.


"Baby, you know I love you." He said, coming towards me.

My heart started racing when he got down on one knee and took my hand that the ring was on. I felt tears coming, but I tried holding them back. Don't be a pussy. Don't be a pussy. Don't be a pussy.

"And you know I love everything about you. Having Jacob was the best thing that's ever happened to us because he brought us closer than we were before, if that's possible. I honestly can't imagine living my life without you in it. You've made me a better person than I was before and I can't thank you enough for letting me love you. You're the best woman in my life, the most important woman in my life, and I'd run to the moon and back for you. If I could, I'd give you the world in quicker than a heartbeat." He kissed my hand. "I've stolen a lot of things in my time, but would you, Jasmine Wells, do the honor of stealing my last name?"

I couldn't help it. A few tears fell from my eyes.

"Yes." I managed to say while nodding, causing his mouth to spread into an even bigger grin.

He got back up and planted a kiss on my lips, holding me close. I absolutely melted into this perfect moment, and then Jacob's small voice broke me out of it.

"Mummy, can we have chocolate chip pancakes again?"

I smiled and wiped away my tears.

"Of course we can, cubbie." I said, leaning down to pinch his cheeks, but he frowned.

"Why you crying, Mummy?" He pouted.

Harry chuckled beside me. I kissed his forehead.

"Mommy's just really happy right now."


"Hey family!" We heard a deep voice echo through the house.

"Uncle Eddie!" Jacob exclaimed, already knowing who it was as he jumped out of his chair and ran to wherever Eddie was.

"Hey sport." I heard Eddie say, no doubt ruffling Jacob's curls.

A few seconds later, both of them appeared in the kitchen. Eddie's eyes immediately went to my hand and he smiled.

"So you manned up and asked her, eh?" Eddie said to Harry.

"Shut up." Harry accidentally blushed, ducking his head down.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't blush too.

"Anyway..." I said, changing the subject. "...where's Eleanor?"

"She's still sleeping. I didn't want her to attack me when I woke her up, so I just left her there."

"You're gonna get an earful when she gets here." Harry said.

"I know, but at least I love hearing her voice." Eddie grinned.

In case you're confused, Louis and Eleanor ended it 2 years ago. It wasn't on a bad note, they admitted that they lost their feelings for each other. And then a year and a half ago, Eddie and Eleanor started seeing each other. Seeing each other turned into more, and more, and here they are as a couple. They're really the cutest couple ever, besides me and Harry. Eddie's so sweet to her and I've never seen him so passionate about anything.

Zayn and Perrie tied the knot 4 months ago, and Liam and Danielle are still growing strong. There was a time where Liam and Danielle broke up, and Liam found another chick named Sophia. Nobody liked her, and she never got along with anyone. She just had a bitchy attitude and never wanted to do anything. All she wanted was to sit on her ass all day and watch TV. That 'relationship' only lasted a month because Liam soon got bored with her, and eventually got back with Danielle.

Louis found another girl, and she's really the nicest woman you'll ever meet. She has a big and kind heart, and she'll be nice to you even if you're mean to her. Not to mention she's really funny. They've been together for about a year now, and ever since Louis introduced us to her, we got along great. I really enjoy her company. Niall found a girl 6 months ago also. Yeah, I know. Niall found a girl. A girl he's committed to. I've never seen him this happy before. She must be damn good.

"Daddy, how come you were hurting mummy last night?" Jacob asked.

Harry looked at our son with a confused expression.

"Huh? I wasn't hurting her." Harry said.

"Yes you were. I heard her screaming and I heard thumping and banging. What were you doing?"

Me and Harry widened our eyes at him, while Eddie busted out into a fit of laughter.

"You see, Jacob..." Eddie started, still laughing a little. "...Mummy and Daddy were having this thing called--"

"Who wants more pancakes?!" I shouted, very loudly if you ask me.

"I would love another pancake boo!" Harry played along and handed me his plate.

Jacob looked at both of us with a weird look on his face, shook his head, then went back to eating. Eddie, however, was still chuckling a bit.

"I love this family." He laughed.

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