Chapter 25

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After the fight at the mall, we decided to split into two groups to keep Brooke and Eleanor away from each other. Brooke, Danielle, and Perrie were together while me and Eleanor were together. Now, its a few hours later and I'm at Eleanor and Louis' house trying to calm her down. She's really freaking out about what Brooke said.

"She's not really gonna tell him is she?! She can't! It wasn't any of her business! She can't just break up me and Louis like that! She just can't!" She said worriedly and took another sip of her drink.

"Eleanor, calm down. Brooke isn't gonna say anything to Louis. She just said that because she was mad."

"But she hates me! Of course she wants to ruin me!"

"Doesn't matter if she hates you or not. I'm sure she knows when to back off. But can I ask you something?"

"Go for it." She sighed.

"Why did you do that anyway? You were never like this."

"Do what?"

"Sleep with Jake behind Brooke's back while you're with Louis. I didn't exactly picture you to do something like that."

"I don't know." She shook her head and rested it on her hand, which was rested on her knee. "I don't know what happened to me. Louis' great in bed, so it can't be that he didn't satisfy me enough. This urge for Jake honestly came out of nowhere."

"I know how you feel."

She looked at me.

"Really?" She said in disbelief.

"Well, sort of. Not really." I admitted, making her shake her head and take another sip of her drink.

"Then why'd you say that?"

"I don't know. This situation came off the top of my head but its nothing like yours though."

"What situation?"

"I know this is hard to believe, but I honestly thought I would end up with Niall."

She almost choked on her drink and started dying of laughter.

"Niall?!" She laughed. "You thought you would end up with Niall?!" She laughed more. "Oh God. Why? Niall's exactly like Harry, but less committed. Believe me, if you were to end up with Niall, you'd end up with Harry anyway because you two would only last a month. Maybe less."

"I don't know." I laughed with her, but not as hard. "I guess its because he was my first friend of the gang. And he was nicer to me than Harry was. But life does weird things."

"Tell me about it." She said, finishing up her drink. "Lets get started on your hair, yeah? I need to do something to get my mind off things."


As soon as I said that, my phone vibrated. I checked it, and it was a text from Harry.

Hazzabear: come home soon yeah ? i have a surprise for you babe :)

I smiled at that text and quickly sent one back.

Me: so do i :) i'll be there soon


"Are you actually gonna do this?" Perrie asked me for the hundredth time.

"Of course I am. Louis has the right to know as much as I do." I said, not taking my eyes off the road.

"But this is pretty fucked up. What if Eleanor's already planning to tell Louis?" Danielle jumped in.

"This is pretty fucked up? How about no. What she did was pretty fucked up. I'm just evening it out."

Bad Meets Evil (Sequel To Good Meets Bad)Where stories live. Discover now