Chapter 28

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"Lou." I heard Zayn's voice beside me, making me turn my head towards him.


"I see the way you're staring at Jas, mate. Don't even think about it."

"I know its just..." I looked back over at her. "...that blonde is really working for her."

"Yeah." He agreed. "She looks good. But she's Harry's. You know better."

"I already know. Besides, she'd never let me fuck her anyway. Too loved up on Harry."

"Well if you like blondes, Brooke's pretty hot. And single."

"Nah." I shook my head. "Don't get me wrong, she's a nice catch, but no. She's already fucked two of my best mates. If she fucked me too, she'd be considered a homie-hopper." I said, making him chuckle. "I'm just not gonna sleep with anyone."

"Then how are you gonna get back at Eleanor?"

I looked over at her. She didn't look the slightest bit happy.

"I think she's suffering enough."



"Eddie can you please help us? We're so lost." Acacia said on the other line.

"No. Like I said, you lost her, you find her. And I believe I also said to not talk to me until you've found her."

"Please!" She whined. "We don't know what to do! Just give us somewhere to look."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. They can't go on a search to save their own lives.

"She ran away to go back on her side of town, odds are she went to a friend's house. Maybe that blonde, or that curly haired chick. Maybe even Harry's."

"...Oh. That would've been smart."

I face-palmed. Hard.

"Those are the most obvious places to look. Are you kidding me?"

"Well I'm not the leader! I'm not supposed to know everything!"

"Well you're really doing your part. Don't call me until you've found her."

After that, I hung up. I don't know why I feel so obsessed with her. Its like, I don't know. I felt...different when she was here. I can't explain it. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm in love with her, I just...I kinda liked it when she was here with me. So I'm determined to get her back.

Note to self: Hire a smarter slut.


"Alright now." Acacia said once she got off the phone with Eddie. "He said to look in obvious places. He said maybe she went to a friend's house, or maybe Harry's."

"That would've been smart!" Michelle spoke up.

"I know." Acacia agreed. "But anyway, since I don't know where any of her friends live, we're going to Harry's first."

Well I know where one of her friends live, but I'm not saying anything because then they would ask how I know. And the reason could possibly get me kicked out of this gang. It could get them kicked out of theirs too.

"So since the boss wants her as soon as possible, we can't waste any more time. Lets go." Acacia demanded and we headed out of the door.

"Wait don't we need a plan?" I finally spoke up.

"No. Eddie goes whenever he wants to. Why can't we?" Michelle answered.


"Ok ok. I've known Eleanor for 11 years, my puppy ran away when I was 14, and I love Demi Lovato." I said.

Right now, me and Harry are laying on the bed and we're playing 2 truths 1 lie.

"The puppy thing because your puppy ran away when you were 13."

"Smart boy."

I smiled to myself at the fact that memorizes every little thing about me.

"Alright my turn. I got my first tattoo at 15, I love sweet corn, and my celebrity girl crushes are Taylor Swift and Kendall Jenner."

I gave him a blank face.

"Taylor Swift and Kendall Jenner." I answered, making him laugh a little.

"You answered that with no hesitation." He chuckled.

"Because you called them both flat-chested bitches. You hate how Taylor is such a serial-dater and how she built a career by writing bad songs about the guys she dates. And you hate Kendall Jenner because all Kardashians are gold-digging whores."

He laughed at that. A few seconds later, we heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll get it." I said and got up.

Once I got down the stairs, I went to the door and opened it. I was surprised at who I saw. Its that Ariana chick from Eddie's gang. And I know exactly what she's here for.

"Hi. Do you know if Jasmine's here?" She asked.

At first I thought 'How stupid can you get?'. Then I thought 'Oh yeah, my hair'. But my face still looks the same. Wow. She isn't the brightest.

"I'm sorry, who?" I asked playing dumb.

"Jasmine. Red hair, brown eyes--"

"No." I interrupted her. "I've never heard of her."

She's a bit nice to be a gang member.

"Ok well, thanks anyway." She said and turned around, walking towards the car that was parked out front.

I shut the door and locked everything up. That's when I finally let out that breath I was holding. That was way too close.

Bad Meets Evil (Sequel To Good Meets Bad)Where stories live. Discover now