Chapter 2

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2 days. 2 fucking days. 2 days since I last saw my girl. 2 days since that fucker took her from me. 2 days since I got laid. 2 days since I cuddled with someone. 2 days since someone else was in my bed with me. 2 days since I saw bright red hair.


What makes it worse is that Jasmine's birthday is tomorrow. Her necklace is still in the egg carton. I even had this really sexy outfit I wanted her to wear because everybody was gonna celebrate her birthday at the new nightclub, Pleasure Zone. Everybody already has their presents for her.

I swear I wanna do everything to Eddie. Burn him. Stab him. Kick him in the throat. Stick 9 inch needles in his eyes. Rip his guts out and shove them down his throat. Chop off his penis and shove it in his ear.

Ugh. I hate him.

"Haz, cheer up. We'll get her soon." Liam said.

"You want me to fucking cheer up?! That shitplum has my girl and you want me to cheer the fuck up?!" I yelled.

"Plums are good."

"Shut up Niall!!" I shouted at him too.

I've been snapping a lot lately.

"Calm dow--" Zayn started but I cut him off.

"Calm down?! CALM DOWN?! YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?! TELL ME HOW THE FUCK I CAN CALM DOWN WHEN MY GIRLFRIEND HAS BEEN MISSING FOR 2 DAYS STRAIGHT!! HOW THE HELL WOULD YOU FEEL IF HE TOOK PERRIE?!" I was about to say more, but Louis shoved, literally shoved, a cigarette in my mouth. "Fucker." I mumbled, but lit it up anyway. "Thanks." I said once I exhaled.

Yeah, me and Louis made up. We got over whatever we were fighting about. I don't know about Jasmine and Eleanor though. Jasmine. Fuck I'm angry again.

"FUCKING RASBERRY MUFFINS!!!" I shouted and punched the wall, leaving only a large crack in it since it was concrete.

"Those are good too."

Damn Niall.


"Wake up. We're gonna go see your little boyfriend today." I heard Eddie say, making me immediately shoot up out of bed.

"Really?! You're gonna take me to see him?!"

I'm excited. Sue me.

"Would you rather me keep you here?"

I quickly shook my head no.

"Alright then. Get dressed. And wear that one piece I bought you yesterday." He ordered and turned to leave the room.

He's so stupid. He's taking me to see Harry. He's making it easy for me to escape.

"Oh. And if you even think of escaping, you won't be able to move for weeks. And its not gonna be from me fucking you."

"Why are you keeping me anyway?"

"Because I'm not giving you back to Harry until Harry gives me what I want."



I hate this outfit. Sure its cute, but it would look so much better without the bow and with just a regular belt. The bow makes me look like I'm 16, I'm almost 20. Not to mention that its downright embarrassing to wear, considering that I have marks all over me. Another reason why Eddie's stupid. Once Harry sees these marks, Eddie's dead.

"Jasmine hurry up!!!" Eddie shouted from downstairs.

I sighed and walked out the room and met him downstairs. But he wasn't alone. Acacia, Brenda, Chase, and Jeff were with him. Joy.

Bad Meets Evil (Sequel To Good Meets Bad)Where stories live. Discover now