Chapter 5

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I immediately jumped off of him.

"I-I'm sorry! It slipped, I swear!"

"Shut up. I'm not gonna hit you."


"Y-You're not?"

"Stop stuttering."


"And no. I'm not." He smirked. "Instead, I'm gonna take you to see Harry tomorrow. Ya know, since its your birthday and all."

"Wait. What? I'm confused."

"What is there to be confused about? I'm taking you to see your precious boyfriend tomorrow."


"Do you not wanna see him?"

"No! I do! Its just, I thought I was gonna get punished for moaning his name."

"Oh. Nope." He smiled. "Not yet at least."


"Go to sleep. Big day tomorrow." He said with another smile.

He leaned over and turned off the lamp and then laid down, going to sleep himself.

Don't feel stupid if you're confused, because I am too.


"Wake up, birthday girl." I heard Eddie's voice say.

For some odd reason, I'm not as excited as I should be. Sure its my birthday, sure I'm gonna go see Harry, but something I dunno. Maybe I'm just thinking too much.

I sat up in bed and saw a red mini-dress laying on the edge of the bed.

"I'm guessing you want me to wear that?" I asked.

"Yup." He confirmed. "I'll be downstairs waiting."

When he left, I let out a heavy sigh. I was really looking forward to this day, but now I'm just ehhh. Maybe because of everything that's happened lately. I mean, c'mon. If you were getting beat for no reason, would you be excited for a damn birthday where you could possibly get another beating? Didn't think so.

I got out of bed and took a quick shower. I did the usual morning routine, then slipped on the dress. Its shorter than I thought. But nothing I'm not used to. I put on a pair of black pumps and went downstairs to Eddie.

"I'm ready." I said.

"You don't seem too excited. Would you rather stay here?"

"No no no. I wanna go."

I guess he wants me to leave. He keeps taking me to see Harry.

But why the fuck am I not excited to see him?


This is really pissing me off. We arrived at Harry's house, but I'm still not excited. If anything, I wanna leave. Not back to Eddie's house, I just wanna leave.

"You gonna get out?" I heard Eddie ask.

How long have we been sitting here?

"Yeah. I was gonna do that." I said.

I took a silent deep breath and got out the car.

Ah. There's the excitement I was looking for. I knew it was in there somewhere.

I walked up to Harry's door, Eddie following close behind, and rung the doorbell. But it wasn't Harry who answered it.

"Brooke!!!" I shouted and attacked her in a hug.

Bad Meets Evil (Sequel To Good Meets Bad)Where stories live. Discover now