Chapter 22

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"Hey Lou." Harry greeted Louis with a bro hug.

"Hey Haz." Louis replied.

Once he saw that I was there too, he immediately pulled me into a bone-crushing bear hug.

"I missed you! I'm so sorry we couldn't get you back sooner! We tried coming up with a plan but its hard when most of your gang members are too pussy to face Eddie and his gang aga--" He rambled, but I cut him off my placing my hand over his mouth.

"Its fine." I giggled. (A/N: If you're wondering, yes they're shouting over the music.)

We went and sat at a table. It was then when I noticed Eleanor was with us too. I caught her staring at me, but she quickly looked away. Now it was me staring at her, and my mind went back to what Harry said earlier today.

You two are best friends.

Best friends should stick together, no matter how bad the fight is.

They're like each other's half.

You can't last long without them.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry said in my ear, making me jump and look up at him.

"How I'm gonna talk to Eleanor." I admitted.

"Just talk to her."

"Yeah but I don't know how. I haven't spoken to her in months."

"Well you can go over to the bar together, have a drink, and talk things out."

"What do I say though?"

He shrugged.

"I don't know. Just start a normal conversation. Can't be that hard."

I sighed.

"Alright. But if things don't go well, you're not getting anything tonight."

"What?! How would it be my fault?"

"Because you suggested it." I simply said, then turned to Eleanor. "Eleanor!" I called, making her look at me. "Wanna go over to the bar?"

She hesitated before nodding. The boys let us out and we headed over to the bar. I ordered us drinks and Eleanor started sipping on hers, but I was just playing with my straw.

"So." I started. "How've you been?"

"Fine." She shrugged.

Awkward silence. I looked over at Harry and he mouthed 'Keep talking'. I nodded and turned back to Eleanor.

"What have you been up t--" I started, but she cut me off.

"Jasmine, just cut to the chase. What do you wanna talk to me for?"

I know she wasn't saying it just to be bitchy, she was just getting impatient. I sighed before speaking.

"I wanna go back to how we were before. Ya know, before we got involved with Harry and his gang?"

"What made you wanna be friends again all of a sudden?"

"Well to keep it short, Harry said some words about friendship earlier and it was meant for me to go make up with Brooke, but the first person that popped into my mind was you. That night at the club, me and Harry over-reacted. None of that should've happened. And now that I think about it, it was a dumb ass reason to lose our friendship over. I'm sorry."

A smile crept onto her face and she got down from her barstool to hug me, which I gladly returned.

"I'm only forgiving you this easily because I was thinking the same thing." She said and pulled away, sitting back down. "And I need to apologize too. I'm sorry for being a hypocrite. I shouldn't have yelled at you for seeing Harry when I was seeing Louis, who's equally as bad."

"Its fine." I smiled.

"So we're cool?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "We're cool."

"Good so I can tell you this. Stop dressing like that."

I frowned and looked down at my dress.

"Why? I have to keep up my image."

"Yeah but instead of coming off as a bad girl, you're coming off as a slut. Do you know what guys on the street say about you? Its usually shit like 'I wonder how much it costs to get a blow from her' or 'Finally! Someone who doesn't look cheap' and shit like that."

I widened my eyes at this information.

"But they know I'm with Harry, don't they?"

"They don't care. The stoners in the alley are always talking about you. Some are even trying to come up with a plan to some how get rid of Harry so they can get to you. I'm serious about this Jasmine. If you know what's best for you, dress a little"

"Alright." I sighed. "Thanks for telling me."


"Remember that one time you went blonde?" Eleanor giggled.

It was about half an hour later, and we haven't even been drinking. We were just talking about old memories and laughing about them.

"Yeah I looked good! I might even do it again."

"You should. Just to see what Harry would think."

"Wanna dye it for me?"

"Sure." She nodded. "Ohhhh! Remember that one time when I set you up on a blind date with that one guy who had a weird obsession with boogers!"

"Ew! Don't even remind me of that!" I laughed. "He kept begging me to pick my nose the whole time!"

"But you got me back by setting me up with a really hot guy who had a strange obsession with mustard. God his breath was awful!"

"Yup! Once he told me that he even brushes his teeth with mustard, I was like 'Oh you'd be perfect for her! She just loves mustard breath!'"

We talked and laughed some more, and then I felt a tap on my shoulder, causing me to turn around. When I did, a guy was standing there smirking at me.

"You're Jasmine aren't you?"

"The one and only. Why?"

"Well." He stepped closer to me. "I heard about you and Harry's break up. So sorry about that. But if you were looking for someone el--"

"Hey babe." Harry said, once he came over here, and kissed me. "Having fun?"

"Yeah." I smiled. "Me and El made up."

"Thats good." He said, placing both his hands on my waist and leaning closely so our faces were inches apart. "How about we get on that dance floor, yeah?"

My eyes travelled to the side to Eleanor, and it looked like she was holding her laugh in.

"Yeah why not?" I answered Harry.

He smirked and helped me down from the barstool and lead me onto the dance floor, leaving that guy dumbfounded.

Bad Meets Evil (Sequel To Good Meets Bad)Where stories live. Discover now