Chapter 14

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I was out with Ariana and Acacia at the mall. Something Eddie made me do. Ugh. Do you know how embarrassing it is to walk around with people dressed like this? Ew.

"How about this one?" Acacia said, coming out of the dressing room and modeling the outfit.

"Oh my God it looks gorgeous on you!" Ariana exclaimed.

Nigga stop lyin.

"Jasmine? What do you think?" Acacia asked me.

Oh, I just love it. Did it come with a pole?

"It looks good." I answered flatly.

"Ok I'm getting it." Acacia decided with a smile.

Ugh. Why do I have to get to know these girls? I could easily escape right now, but then Acacia or Ariana would call Eddie and he would send out a huge fucking search party and then he'd beat me once he found me.

"Are you guys hungry? We can go to the food court." Ariana said once Acacia was done paying for her ugly shit.

"Yeah." Acacia answered.


"Sure. I could eat." I answered.

"Couldn't you always?" I heard Acacia mumble, but I ignored it for once.

I don't feel like whooping ass right now.


"So. Jasmine. I heard there's a thing going on between you and Jason." Acacia smirked.

Ariana gasped.

"There is? Oh my God tell!" She exclaimed.

"Who the fuck is Jason?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"Oh don't act like you don't know. Michelle's boyfriend?" Acacia said.

"I think you've got the wrong person. I don't know anything about Jason."

"You don't have to know anything about a guy when you give him a blowjob." She smirked, stirring her drink with her straw.

"You're in wayyy over your head. I don't like anybody from your stupid gang anyway. Not Eddie, not Jason, and definitely not you."

"I don't care if you don't like me or not."

"Woop dee doo, good for you, that's why I'm not a slut like you."

"I'm also a slut that fucked your ex." She said with a devilish grin.

She went there. She fucking went there. But I'm not gonna whoop her ass. No. I'm gonna do something that's gonna make her complain like fuck. So I splashed my drink on her. And it wasn't exactly cold.

"Oh my God! My hair!" She yelled.

"Oh hush! It wasn't yours anyway!" I shot at her.

I wanted to laugh at the sight of her. Her makeup was fucked up, her hair was wet and stringy and it smelled horrible, her clothes were ruined, I just made my own day. And I love how Ariana isn't even doing anything about it. Good. She knows when something's not her business.

"Ariana, can you take me back to Eddie's house? I'm done here."


"BROOKKEE!!!" Harry groaned as he released into the condom, the same time I released onto him.

We rode out our orgasms before he collapsed on the side of me.

"Fuck. Jake always bragged to me about you being amazing in bed, but I didn't think you were this good."

I giggled.

"Well, blondes are best." I smirked.

"I'm not even gonna argue on that."

I feel so bad doing this behind my best friend's back, especially knowing that she's still not over him. Plus, my boyfriend just died a little over a month ago. I feel like a slut now. But, I needed some sort of stress reliever, Harry offered this, and I took it. In a way, I'm glad I did. He makes me see stars every time.

"Are you still thinking about what we're doing?" Harry asked, ripping me out of my thoughts.


He sighed and pulled me closer into his chest.

"I told you. Don't over think too much. Try to get your mind off of it." He said.

"But I can't. Minnie would feel so broken if she finds out."

"Which she won't. And why would she be broken? She's the one who cheated on me. Clearly I wasn't good enough for her. Either that, or I didn't satisfy her enough. I'm pretty sure its the first one though. I satisfy every woman."

I laughed and slapped his chest.

"Cheeky mofo." I said.

He planted a kiss on my lips.

"You haven't told anyone about us right?" He asked.

"Not a soul."


"So why'd you wanna meet me here?" Danielle asked as she sat across me at the table.

"I needed someone to spill to."

Her eyes looked up from her menu and she set it down.

"Continue." She said, folding her hands on the table.

"Remember Jake?"

She nodded.

"Well...before he died, me and him had a...thing." I spit out.

Her eyes widened.

"What thing?" She asked, digging a little deeper.

"Sort of like an affair. But there was no love involved. We would just have fun with each other." I explained.

She gasped.

"While he was with Brooke?" She asked.

"While he was with Brooke." I confirmed.

"Oh my god. What about Louis? Does he know?"

"No. Of course not."

"Is that why you were so quiet whenever Brooke was around?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I felt like I would say the wrong thing and it would some how slip out if I ever talked to her. So I kept my mouth shut."

"This is a lot to take in." She sighed. "You do know that if Brooke finds out about this, she's gonna be pissed."

"I know. Which is why I'm not planning on letting her find out any time soon."

Bad Meets Evil (Sequel To Good Meets Bad)Where stories live. Discover now