Chapter 17

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I sat up all night, thinking about this plan. Its so simple, I don't know why I didn't think of it before. Like literally, it was staring me in the face. And I could've done it a long time ago! I guess I was too pussy to try. But now, I grew some balls and I'm determined to go through with it.

I breathed out a shakily sigh as I fixed my outfit in the mirror. This better work.

"Jasmine! They're here!" I heard Eddie call from downstairs.

I took a deep breath and grabbed my purse, fitting everything I could in there.

"Jasmine!" He called.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back.

After making sure I had everything, I went downstairs. I saw the three people who I despised the most and mentally rolled my eyes. Michelle, Acacia, and Ariana. Well, not so much Ariana. She's pretty cool. But the other two, ugh.

"Well? You gonna come?" Michelle said rudely.

I inwardly groaned, but put a smile on my face.

"Of course I am." I said cheerily. "Mind if I drive?" I asked, grabbing the keys, still Harry's keys, off of the coffee table.

"Sure. Less work for me." Ariana joked.

I pretended to laugh and waved goodbye to Eddie before walking out with the rest of the girls.


Once I pulled into the parking lot of the mall, I acted like I was about to take off my seatbelt, and they all did it before me. I got it off, and when they got out the car and shut all the doors, I locked them before putting back on my seatbelt and starting the car up again.

I could faintly hear them yelling 'What are you doing?!' and 'Get out the fucking car!' and 'Don't make me call Eddie!' and shit like that. I rolled down the window, barely a crack just so they can hear me.

"BITCHES!!" I shouted before speeding off.

I did a huge sigh of relief. I did it. I actually did it! Brooke Hansen here I come!


Once I got into my side of the town, I became a bit more relaxed and slowed down my speed a little. Now where was Brooke's house? I've only been there a fair few times, so I don't know how to get there by heart. Wait I remember her texting it to me. I pulled over, just so I won't get into a car accident, and checked my messages between me and her. No... No... No... No...

Bingo! Its actually right down the street from Louis and Eleanor's. I started the car back up and got back on the road, making my way to Brooke's house.


On the way there, I passed Harry's house and he was kissing some blonde. I couldn't see her face because her back was turned but just...ugh. Why do I love him? Why me? In the rear view mirror, I saw her leaving and he was definitely staring at her ass. Yeah, I'm in love with a player.

I drove a little faster to get away from that horrible scene. It stung my heart just to even think he's already sleeping with other women. Well that downed my mood a little. But nothing a little Brooke and Minnie time can't fix.

Not too long later, I pulled into Brooke's driveway, but her car wasn't here. That girl's almost never home. I shook my head and breathed out a chuckle. I guess I can sit here until she comes back. Or I can try to get in through her back door. Yeah. I like that plan better.

I grabbed my purse and got out of the car and locked it before hopping Brooke's driveway gate, making sure to throw my heels over first. These boots are expensive, don't need to go breaking them. I went to her back door and grabbed the key she keeps in the plant and unlocked the door, inviting myself in. And that's when I realized...

I'm hungry.

She won't mind.


About half an hour later, and I'm sprawled all over her couch, eating a giant bag of Doritos, and watching Finding Nemo.

"I shall name him squishy and he shall be mine. And he shall be my squishy. Come here squishy, come here, dabadeewadabadawadeeba? OW! Bad squishy! Bad squishy!" I quoted the movie. (A/N: I like that part lol)

I few minutes later, I heard the front door open and close.

"Ugh. Did I leave this damn thing on aga--AAAHHH!!!" She screeched when she saw me and dropped her coffee.

"Hi." I smiled sweetly.

But her face looked horrified...


"She tricked us Ed!"

"I swear, we didn't know she was gonna do that!"

"Ugh! I should've saw that coming!"

"How are we gonna get her back?"

"ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!" I shouted at the three of them.

They all immediately shut their mouths and put all their attention on me.

"Figure out something. You lost her, you find her. Until then, I don't wanna see you. I don't want you talking to me until I hear the words 'We found her' come out of your mouths. Understood?"

Bad Meets Evil (Sequel To Good Meets Bad)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang