Chapter 23

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"You know... I'll always have my family. You ever hear of the shoulder touch?" Miles says as he gets up and faces Kingpin.

"What?" He questions. You hear the crackling of Miles' venom strike power up. Miles lays a hand into Kingpins shoulder and says one word.

"Hey~." Then... KAAAAA-ZAPPPPPPPPPP!!! Miles delivers a huge venom strike to Kingpin then webs him up quickly.

"Hey Kingpin! Push the green button for me!" Miles calls as he swings the large man up towards the panel. Bullseye.... The beam starts to suck everything back in.

Miles grabs you and shoots a web to the ceiling. He holds you close as the chaos reaches a fever pitch. The beam retreats back into the collider guns, causing a massive explosion.

In the control room, Jefferson is blown back by the force of the implosion. Then the collider shuts off. You look up at Miles and chuckle dryly.

"We did it," he says as he looks at your mask, longing to see your face. Some coughing catches both of your attentions.

From the debris of the observation room, you see Jefferson stand up, coughing and shaking dust off.

You gulp as you and Miles quickly dropped down from the handing web, not wanting to be caught by Jeff...
Time Skip-
You and Miles sat on the roof of a building, beside all the cop cars. Miles called his dad as you watched Jeff put Tombstone into the secure care.

"Miles? Miles! Miles?! Are you okay?" You hear Jeff say into his phone. "Yeah I'm okay.... You're probably busy so-," "No no no no, I can talk! I can talk. Look, so I came by earlier because, uh... your uncle..." Jeff trails.

"I know dad. I'm so sorry," Miles apologizes. "Yeah," Jeff says sadly.

"Do you know who did it?" Miles questions. You listen intently. "I thought I did but I was wrong. Look Miles, what I said at the door, it wasn't just talk. Look you know, I was thinking maybe we could find a nice wall privately owned," Jeff said as Miles teared up.

"Ok, dad. Alright," Miles says as he side hugged you.

"like at the police station and
you could..."throw" up some of your art? Man, I'm bad at this. Ok, Miles-- Miles? You there?" The line on Jeff's phone goes dead as Miles hops down to the street where his father was.

You turn invisible and follow Miles. "Officer!" Miles exclaimed in a deep voice. Jeff jumped, not expecting to see him.

"Oh...Spider-Man. Listen, down there, that was, I mean I owe you-," Jeff gets cut off by Miles hugging him.

When you finally made it down to Miles, they broke the hug. You turn visible, scaring Jeff again.

"We look forward to working with you, officer," you say as you intertwine your fingers with Miles'.

"Yeah me too, I guess. I don't approve of your methods but, we're going to have to agree to disagree," Jeff says as he looks at your hands.

"Thank you for your bravery tonight. I love you," Miles said as he pounded his chest with one fist. You elbowed him and laughed.

"Wait what?" Jeff asks as you both shoot a web and swing away.

"Look behind you!!" You and Miles yell together.

Jefferson turns around to see Kingpin webbed up between two buildings with a note on him, 'from your friendly neighborhood Spider-Couple' in his unique graffiti.

You land a front flip in front of some of the crowd while Miles lands beside you. You hold hands as you high five by standers.

"You guys are so cute!" A girl squeals. "You guys are together right? Can I get a picture of you guys together?" One of them asks.

You nod and smile under your mask. You flipped your hood up and stood next to Miles. He was 2 centimeters taller than you, which he always teased you about.

So he stood tall and proud when they took pictures, they fangirled over them. You sigh and look at him.

"You sure you can handle me? I'm a handful," you giggle as you put your arms around his neck, and his arms around your waist.

"If I handled Sweatpants Peter, I think I'll be just fine," he says as he lifts up your mask, just over your mouth, as you do the same for him.

You sealed the heroic moment, with a kiss. Some of the girls screeched at the shown of affection. You laughed as you broke the kiss.

"We need to find a better mask where we don't have to lift them all the time," you think as he grips your waist tightly.

"I know, but for now... let's sleep," he says as he webs the side of a passing subway, taking you both back towards Visions Academy.
Time Skip-
(Your POV)
Alright... let's do this one more time. My name is Y/n Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider that also bite my boyfriend, Miles Morales. And for like, two days, we have been the only Spider People. I think you know the rest.... honor classes at school, most popular couple in school...

(Scene where Miles has his arm around you as you two walk down the hallway, many people smiling at the two of you...)

Saving people, helping Miles throw up his art....

(Scene where you and Miles were spray painting a portrait of Uncle Aaron on a clean wall, with his dad supervising you two...)

Getting closer with family...

(Scene where you walk into your fathers house and smile at him. He runs at you and engulfs you in a hug...)

And finally controlling my powers 100%...

(Scene where you and Miles swing through the city with your suits on, stopping multiple break ins and such...)

And when I feel alone, like no one understands what I'm going through, I remember my friends who get it.

(Scene where Peter B Parker holds a bouquet of flowers as he presses the doorbell of MJ's apartment door... She walks out with a smile on her face as Peter runs and hugs her...)

I never thought I'd be able to do any of this stuff. But I can. Anyone can wear the mask. You can wear the mask.

(You and Miles sit on the gargoyle where you lay against him as he wraps his arms around your torso... often kissing your neck or head)

If you didn't know that before, I hope you do now. Cuz I'm Spider-Girl. And I'm not the only one. Not by a long shot.....
1155 word count. And that is the end of this read my friends. I appreciate each and every single one of you for reading this and encouraging me so much. I couldn't do any of this without you guys. Hey!! Check out my other stories while your at it, I hope I don't disappoint... Until the next book... my hero's😘😘 -Kay😜

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