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After coming to with the worst fucking migraine, I realized I was slumped over on the floor.

My face was smooshed against the wood paneling and I could tell it would a few minutes of blood flow to make my face look normal again.

I knew what had happened but I couldn't resist calling out for her.

"Leah!" I moaned. My arms and legs felt heavy and sluggish. "Leah. Please."

She stabbed me and she left me but I still had hope that she hadn't. I would've preferred her to stay and tie me down, torture me if she had to. Just as long as she didn't leave me.

But she did.

The cabin rang empty with the sound of my broken voice. She was just like Tiffany.

I pulled my shit together and got up. My mind raced at the thought of her getting away and going to the police. If she had any sense, that's exactly what she would've done. It was clear she didn't love me. Never did, probably.

"Fuck you!" I howled, kicking a stool at the kitchen bar.

My body quivered. Think, think, think. What do you need to do?


So I got all my shit together and took it to the car. Then I did a final sweep to make sure there weren't any fucking syringes laying around. At James' request, I locked the door behind me and wedged the key between two of the wood slats around the door. My jaw clenched as I slid into the car. The sadness was waning and being replaced by anger.

They always think they can leave me.

I turned the ignition over and looked up the nearest police station. On the drive, I called James.

"Do you always have to call so late?" he demanded.

"I have a problem."

"What the fuck is it now? Did your bitch not like my cabin?"

Fighting back the urge to defend Leah, I replied, "She escaped. I imagine she is either talking to the police by now or lost in the woods somewhere."

"She escaped? You mean you were holding her captive?"

"Not unlike you and Marissa."

James scoffed. "Fucking Christ! Have you lost it? I never held Marissa against her will! You kidnapped your patient and held her hostage in my house?"

"She wasn't a hostage. Listen, I just—"

"Oh my God. Our family is diving straight into the depths of Hell. Julia loses her fucking mind so you think you can just go off the rails too. Is that it, dumbass?"

"I am perfectly fucking sane!"

"Then fucking act like it." James took a deep breath and I sorted through the barrage of emotion plaguing me. "Listen to me very carefully. If she is with the police, they will destroy your reputation and mine. The whole fucking family name will be sullied. Go find that little wench and make sure anyone she has told understands that you were the victim. I don't care how you have to spin it. You caused this mess, so now you better fix it."

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