Maddie 💀

111 13 0

Twenty-two years old



   Maddie's parents are one of the most richest couple in the world due to their ability to win lots of money in the stock market. They never really lose money and if it is the most is hundreds of dollars. They have earned around 1.2 billion dollars in the stock already making them the most to earn in the stock market so far. Maddie doesn't want to follow in the stock market a she's is going to an elite school and getting her degree in business in hopes to start her own business and make as much as her parents when she is older. She's not the only child she has a two younger siblings who she's very close to. 
   Maddie is a very humble human being. Yes she may be rich but that doesn't give her the right to be stuck up like the rest of the people who are rich. She can be a sweet person just don't get her on your bad side because she can have a very big attitude. Some say when she's angry she isn't herself and it sucks to be around her when she's very angry because she blocks the whole world around her and doesn't want to talk to anyone until she's calm.

   Since she's always out with her parents traveling, the drivers are all usually young are a bit older then her. She usually has sex with the drivers that escort her and her family everywhere. She also has messed around with some of her security guards, and some of the family workers. She doesn't sleep with multiple men at a time it just happens when it happens.

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