Chapter 1

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Rhythm of my life

Rachel was strumming the guitar to the song 'This is the rhythm of the night ....', that was playing in the backdrop. She was well known in her church for her singing skills. The source of her pocket money came from doing shows in and around her vicinity. People loved her talent, she could draw the crowd with her mesmerizing voice.

She lost her father a few months back due to brain hemorrhage. Her mother Lucy, was her family. Though they had relatives back in Goa, no one was of much help to them. She kept a distance from them due to their greedy nature. The house ran on the savings that her father had left behind.

Rachel having done her secretarial course, wasn't really serious in life. This nature of hers bothered her mother a lot. She used to spend time either with her bunch of friends or play with her guitar or learn a new song.

Lucy never wanted her to pursue singing as a career. For she believed unless you had an upper hand to pull you to the top, nothing would work. There used to be constant disagreements between the two on her career choice, no amount of advice would satisfy Rachel.

One day, after completing a show, when Rachel stepped into her house, she could hear a faint cry coming from the bedroom. She proceeded towards that room. Alas! her mom was lying on the floor in deep pain and couldn't get up in spite of Rachel's support. Rachel was petrified seeing her mom's condition. Finally, an ambulance was called for, to shift her to the nearby hospital.

The doctor on duty attended to her and instructed the nurse to carry out certain tests and X-rays. Lucy was administered painkiller to reduce the shooting pain on the lower half of her body.

Rachel couldn't imagine to lose her this soon, all these thoughts engulfed her mind. The on-duty nurse calmed her down with soothing words.

The X-Ray reports arrived in an hr, the Orthopedic surgeon took Rachel aside to brief her about her mom's condition.

"Your mom has fractured her hip. She will have to undergo a partial hip replacement surgery, since the joints are badly damaged," narrated the doctor.

"When do we have to get it done? And what would be the cost?" enquired Rachel.

"At the earliest, owing to her old age. The cost may vary approximately around Rs. 4lacs.You will get the exact figure from the accounts department."

"Can we postpone it by a few weeks? I'm clueless whether the required amount is available with mom to carry out this procedure."

"It's risky, she'll be bedridden till then, even the pain will be unbearable after a certain point. Anyway beta, you know your situation better. I can give you a little concession on my fees, that's it," advised the doctor.

Rachel nodded her head in approval and proceeded to meet her mom. She was in sound sleep in spite of the pain which seems to have subsided.

Rachel felt awkward for being unaware of their financial situation. Had she shown little more concern over how things were at her place, this wouldn't have been the case.

Her mom woke up looking around for her.

"Mama, I hope you are feeling better now," asked Rachel in a sad tone.

"I'm having severe pain dear."

"it will take time to heal.But mama how did you fall?"

"That day in the bedroom, I didn't realize water was spilled on the floor, I tripped and fell down with a huge thud. Nearly for an hr, I was struggling to get back on my feet, but nothing helped," narrated her mother.


"What did the doctor say?"

"You will have to undergo a surgery, then you'll get back on your feet," assured Rachel. "Mama, how much cash do we have in hand?"

"Surgery! I can't Rachel at this stage. Why? How much are they asking for?"

"Nothing much. How much do we have in hand? Please tell me," she pleaded.

"Oh dear, I have a medical policy which will cover my treatment. Your dad had purchased it few months before his demise, do check it. He had told me that the policy covers cashless treatment."

"Ok fine,that's good. I'll have a look at it. Where is it kept?"

"In my cupboard, in the safe."

"I'll leave then, will have to complete the hospital formalities too. Please press that bell , in case you need anything," explained Rachel pointing towards the bell.

Rachel reached home and took out the documents from the cupboard. After running through it, she was happy to read that the treatment cost was covered in the policy.

She rang up few of her close friends and briefed them about her mom's condition. They agreed to offer help, if needed.

Rachel reached the hospital and provided all the documents, that were required for cashless treatment. The staff after going through it, approved for the same.

She was very much relieved, for they were saved from paying a huge lump sum amount.

Rachel looked up, thanked her father in heaven from the bottom of her heart.


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