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Rachel couldn’t accept the loss of her dear mother. She was in a denial mood, trying to cut out from this world.

Daisy feared Rachels condition. She wanted her to get back moving.

Daisy confronted her and uttered , “Rachel you need to accept the facts of life, this is something   which is beyond our control.I know that it’s not easy to overcome all these, but you have to take control of your life.Your parents would love go see you happy always.We are always there to hold your hands, but how long? Death is unpredictable, we too will follow that path someday. You have to be strong enough to face the world. Your purpose in life is much more, go deep within your heart and seek it.”

Rachel’s eyes welled up, she rested her head on Daisy’s lap, lost in deep thought.

“Aunty I agree with you, somehow I feel like a loser in life.God has been so unkind to me! I have never done anything wrong nor have my parents, then why did He abandon me? He destroyed my life,”she  spoke in deep agony.

“My child, God does everything for a purpose. He wants you to get stronger with each passing day. You haven’t done anything wrong. He uses his tricks to Direct you: Inorder to get moving,to Inspect you: To test your faith and to Correct and Protect you. Some lessons we only learn through pain.Have you noticed, some people can’t face the slightest problems and few others are rock solid. Let go! Your insecurities, your fears. The ones who reach the top are those who strive to climb the path less followed. I want you to be like a bouncing ball, never break down when failure hits you, instead bounce back. We were left childless, but I feel it was Gods plan to do so. Then, how could we ever have you in our life! Be free with us, like the way you were with James and Lucy. We will always be there for you.”

“Oh Aunty, you are such an inspiration. These words will be etched in my heart for life. I’ll try to follow these golden words. I really need you and Derick uncle in my life.Why don’t you’ll shift to Mumbai.?” pleaded Rachel.

“Happy to see your positive approach. So soon! we won’t be able to relocate, since Derick has his business out there.We can’t just handover it to anyone, it will take time. Instead I’ll keep coming frequently, will  also discuss with Derick about it.How about you shifting to Goa? You can assist uncle in his business too.”

“Aunty, I have been raised in this house. I have lots of memories attached here, both good and bad. My parents still live in this house. But I don’t know how long I’ll live here, the pain of losing them tears me apart,” wept Rachel.

“I can understand. But remember your parents are watching on you always. I want to share a secret with you. James had saved 25lacs for your marriage, He had asked Lucy to hand it over to you at the time of your marriage or after her death. She had revealed this to me.Now, it’s your decision to use it wisely.”

Rachel was shocked, thinking her father must have compromised on several things to save this much. She knew he was a wise investor, but this figure was huge.

“I have 25Lacs, a house and a job, which every women desires for. But no one to love me, an empty home that’s the fact,” she cried in self-pity.

“Everyone, can’t have everything in life. That’s life cycle, it’s meant to be that way. You always have to sacrifice in order to achieve something. Winning and losing is a part of the game.Look at the brighter side, you have a job to feed you, a home to rest. You are much more fortunate than those orphan children, whom you met on your birthday.Now go get your guitar, let’s sing something together.”

“But Aunty, I won’t be able to sing.”

“Nothing doing, just obey me.”


Rachel  got  the guitar and sat beside Aunt Daisy.

Daisy advised,“Let’s sing ‘ I’m Alive’ by Celine Dion.”

Rachel strummed the guitar and stopped, “ I can’t do this, just can’t sing. Getting emotional.”

“Ok dear, you play the guitar. I’ll sing, if you feel better join me then.”

Rachel followed her Aunts advice but her voice choked with emotion, every time she tried to sing.


Mohit was surprised to see Rachel in her cubicle. He just couldn’t meet her eyes. She seemed all lost in her thoughts.

He preferred to walk in his cabin “Rachel, please come in,” Mohit instructed her over the phone.

She knocked on the door  and walked in his cabin, with her head lowered. Stood like a pillar in front of him, without uttering a word.

Mohit noticed how pale she had turned over the days. The smile on her face seems to have vanished.

He asked, “Hope you are doing fine? In case you need any help don’t hesitate to ask. Take this ‘pending file’, arrange 8them in the respective folders. I would like you to check all the emails and revert back.”

“Ok. Thanks sir, for all the timely help, Aunty apprised me about it.  I wasn’t in a state of mind to fulfill my responsibilities at that time. Daisy aunty has conveyed her gratitude.”

“You don’t have to be so formal.  If not me, someone else would have done. You can count on me, anytime,” assured Mohit.

Rachel walked out, unable to sense his hidden passion.

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