Chapter 10

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Rachel was super excited with the arrangements that was planned for Aryan's birthday. She personally picked up a gift for his big day. Though they had never met, he had a special corner in her heart. His boyish talks and innocence had captured her mind. She was more excited to meet him in person.

It was 16th of September, Rachel woke up with a peck on her cheek.

"God bless you my child, I'm proud to have you in my life," Lucy's eyes welled up as she wished her daughter.

Rachel hugged her mom and cried saying," Thanks Mom, missing dad a lot on this day. This is my first birthday without him."

Her mom patted on her back, she couldn't say further for her voice was choked.

Rachel excused herself to the washroom. After freshening up, she prepared tea for the three of them.

She lights a candle in front of God and seeks his blessings. She stared at her father's photo for a few minutes and said, "Dad my birthday was more like a festival , when you were around. Today it so gloomy without you. I miss you today. I cherish those moments which we shared together on my birthday."

Lucy instructed her cook to prepare 'Chicken Sandwich', Rachel's all-time favourite.

They relished the sandwich with piping hot tea.Rachel briefed her Mom about Aryan's birthday party, though she was upset initially, but the thought that she would enjoy made her happy.

Rachel dressed up for the Sunday mass in a sober colour dress.

She prayed at the altar and visited her father's grave later.

She noticed many missed calls from the event manager. She immediately called them up and cleared their doubts.

Rachel thought of skipping the cake this birthday, for her father had passed just a few months back. Celebration was not on her mind.


Rachel rings her door bell, she was shocked to see Daisy Aunty at the other end .

"Ohhhh my God, Daisy Aunty and Derick Uncle, I can't believe this, you made my day. No words to express my happiness."

Rachel hugs each of them. "Happy birthday darling. I wanted to surprise you,.May God bless you," greeted Daisy.

"My lovely daughter, happy birthday," greeted Derick, planting a kiss on her forehead.

Lucy was happy to see her daughter so happy. Rachel's eyes were filled with tears of happiness.

The heart shaped cake was on the table, ready to be cut. Candle bearing no. 25 is blown and there goes the happy birthday song. Everyone takes a bite of the rich chocolate cake, fed by Rachel.

The photo session too was done. Rachel decided to treat everyone at Goa Portuguesa, double celebration; for a birthday treat and for having received her first salary. They all rejoiced on Rachel's plan.

It was Lucy's first outing after the surgery. Daisy and Rachel helped her in walking outside due to the uneven roads.

Once at the restaurant, they opted for authentic Goan cuisine. They enjoyed every morsel of food.The food was scrumptious from the start to the finish.

Before moving out, Rachel bought a cookbook that was on display and handed it over to her cook-Mary as a gift. "Thank you, baby, but I don't have anything to gift you. Instead, I'll cook some recipes from this, as a return gift," spoke Mary.


Rachel dressed up in a shimmering black dress with a dash of makeup for the evening party. Daisy Aunty whistled and tried pulling her legs by saying, "So who is that lucky guy! You are looking hot."

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