chapter 17

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Mohit was still coping to deal with Rachel’s absence. Every time he passed by her cubicle his heart sank.

Though his heart was against replacing her, but his mind thought otherwise. Work was getting hampered, so he alerted the HR for a replacement. It was time to move on.

Days passed by, Mohit had a new secretary. The ease with which he could communicate with Rachel was missing with the new one.

He was engrossed in his work, when he got a call from Daisy one fine day. He looked at his mobile screen, hoping to get some favourable news. He attended to her, after several beeps.

“Hello, Mrs.Daisy.”

“Hello, Mohit….sorry Mr. Mohit. You can call me Aunty. How are things at your end.?”

“Mohit….you can call me by that name, Aunty. Yes, everything fine. All well here. Hope everything is good at your side too,” he spoke, hoping to hear about Rachel.

“ yes.,,yes.. Fine…I just rang casually. Nothing specific. Rachel too is fine, happy. Hoping to find someone suitable for her, when she agrees to take the plunge,”replied Daisy. She purposely took up Rachel’s topic to keep him updated about her and to get some feedback from his end.

“ Oook..good she’s happy.Is she with you? N why marriage this early? I was expecting a call from her, but….”

“No,No… she’s somewhere close to Pune, I suppose. At a Recreation centre. Marriage…..we too are getting old …not so soon ….probably after a year, If I find someone suitable for her…incase you come across someone do let me know. Rachel was mentally disturbed, directionless, when she left home. She does enquire about you, but I keep forgetting to call you up,” commented Daisy in-between pauses. She added a bit of spice too in her conversation.

“Is it so! Nice to hear that! So..,so is she coming back home…I mean Mumbai. I can create a job opening for her, if she’s planning to lookout for work,” he spoke out of excitement which was evident to Daisy.

“Ohh dear, I have no idea about that, she has to decide on that. It’s so kind of you to think about her. I’ll let you know, if the need arises. Do keep in touch. God bless you.”

“Thanks for your blessings, I need them more….. Will definitely keep in touch,” assured  Mohit. He was all pepped up after their conversation, there was still some sign of hope left.


Few days back, Daisy spoke to Mary to know if there was any progress from Mohit side.

“Aunty, he has mellowed down a lot since Rachel left. Even the kids keep complaining, that he doesn’t spend sufficient time with them. Arvan misses Rachel a lot and trys calling her up. Sir keeps telling him that she’s gone on a long vacation. The phone service is bad at her place of stay, hence unreachable.”

“I’m also helpless. Will call up Mohit in a day or two. He shouldn’t have the slightest inking that we are in touch with each other. What’s going on in Rachel’s mind, God knows!”

“Ok Aunty, give my regards to Rachel. Sir is a lovely man, no bad habits, for our Rachel baby he’s just perfect.”

“Ok..ok. You take good care of the kids. Let me see what I can do.”


Rachel was enjoying her stay at the centre. She had completed nearly 20days at the centre. In a few days she would have to move out, in order to create space for someone in need. Everyday was a new experience, a new learning for her. She was totally cut off from the outer world, except for a few calls to Aunt Daisy. It’s time to face the world.

As she flipped the newspaper pages, she came across an ad. It’s was about the ‘Balewadi Township Project’, where she had assisted Mohit on several counts and on that fateful day.

Everything came like a flashback in front of her eyes; the days spend assisting Mohit, till the last day of her job. He had supported her throughout. She regretted for putting Mohit in an awkward situation by quitting without any intimation.

She was amused by what she read next.

A small article, it read :

Mr. Mohit Agarwal, M.D of Agarwal Real Estate  Pvt. Ltd., will soon launch his pet project at Panvel. The building which was illegally constructed on government land was auctioned out for Rs. 100cr. Mr. Mohit was the successful bidder to grab this property. He plans to convert it into an orphanage -cum-old age home with basic amenities and in -house medical facilities. It will be opened in a couple of months. The government has decided to offer full support to Mr. Mohit for this noble cause.

Rachel felt a shiver down her spine. She reread the article several times. It was a Eureka moment for her, “This is what I want to do, help the needy, but how could I approach him now, should I?”

At times we are so lost in life, we fail to recognize our inner calling.

Ignite your inner power to empower your life.

Rhythm of my lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora