Chapter 7

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Rachel was on her way back home, with a feeling of accomplishment, of having conquered the world. From nothing to something, but she had decided to pursue her passion, apart from her job.

Daisy and Lucy, were anxiously waiting for her arrival.

Ding Dong...There she was, Rachel hugged both, happiness was all that she felt now. Before they could ask further, she released them from her embrace, proceeded ahead and knelt down in front of the altar.

After a short prayer, she moved a little further where her dad's photo was hung up. She poured her heart out and murmured about her day, with her eyes fixed on his picture.

Rachel never wanted to put a garland over her dad's photo, for the fact that it would remind her of his non-existence.She believed, he always lived in that home, which was surrounded by beautiful memories.

Daisy and Lucy, were all ears to what she had to say, about her day in office. After blabbering non-stop for an hour, Rachel went for a shower.

They table was prepared for dinner. They feasted on piping hot Goan prawns curry with steaming rice.

After Lucy was fast asleep, Daisy and Rachel chit chatted for an hour regarding Lucy's health condition.

"Rachel, the nurse will be joining in from tomorrow. I will explain to her everything in detail, before leaving."

"That's good, but when are you planning to leave?" asked Rachel with a sad look on her face.

"After 10days, you don't worry. I'll sort out things for you. Derick is all by himself, will come back soon."

"Mom's recovery seems slow, she's walking at such slow pace. Doesn't eat also much.I'm worried for her."

"You have to be patient. She's old enough and a heart patient too. You can't expect her to hop around this early. I have even spoken for a full time maid, she will ease half your burden.Before I leave she'll be here, so I can prepare her to handle things," spoke Daisy , to ease out her anxiety. She knew that irrespective of all the support system, Rachel would have her set of stress.

"Thanks, so thoughtful of you Aunty. Please come back soon, more than any helper I trust you. Aunty, at times I feel God is testing me."

"All these uncertainties will make you a stronger and better person. You'll learn to balance life and face adversities. Consider it as Gods will," challenged Daisy.

"Hmm. Aunty let's sleep. I'm tired. Have to wake up early too. Hope for a wonderful day tomorrow."

"Good night, dear. Everything will go fine, don't worry."


Her second day at office was more hectic than the previous one.

Rachel was getting the hang of her busy schedule. Her boss kept her on toes most often. She only got to interact with Mr. Mohit and his clients over meetings. Due to her busy schedule, she barely had any time left to interact with the other staffs. This left her a bit out of place.

Her lunch hrs were as per Mohit's schedule. The days he was on tour, Rachel got a breather.

One day his son Aryan rang up, since Mohit was busy with a client, he asked Rachel to attend the call.

Rachel excused herself and left his cabin.


"Hello, I want to talk to daddy.I have to go for my football practice and can't find my ball. Please ask dad, where is it?Who am I speaking too?"asked Aryan in a kiddish tone.

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