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Rachel greeted the morning sun rays, with yoga asanas. She loved sitting amongst elderly people performing the different postures. All loved her company, since she was the youngest among them. Rachel enjoyed the carefree status and the warmth everyone showered her with.

After having breakfast of poha and sandwich with piping hot tea, all were asked to take a stroll in the garden and then proceed towards the library.

Since Rachel was the newest member of the team, the instructor-Mr.Dubey personally picked up a book for her. The book, ‘How to train your subconscious mind’. She took a corner area of the room and was lost in it for an hr. Everyone had their own pick.

Later, they were asked to form a group of three wherein each one would share their ordeal to the group. Rachel had Seetha and an elderly woman in the group. This was done in order to bring out their pain and accept life’s reality.

Rachel shared her bit of story, both her teammates consoled her when she burst out crying.

Rachel was shaken when she heard their part of story.

Seetha had lost her 2 kids and husband in an accident. She was in a mentally disturbed state and no one was willing to take her responsibility. Some good Samaritan put her in this centre. Since then, she was able to cope up with her losses. Seetha stayed back here, offering help to the other members, until she got a decent job outside.

The elderly lady-Mrs. Arti had everything that she wanted. But ever since her husband died, her kids took away her property through unfair means and left her stranded. She never wanted to defame them in public, so left them for good. Mrs. Arti had planned to go on a religious trip once she was out of this place.

Rachel was taken aback after listening to them. She looked around the room, every face had their own saga hidden behind. She could fathom how grave their situation must have been. In this process, she was learning to Accept her pain.

After relishing on a homely meal, everyone had a short nap except for a handful of them.

In the evening, each of them was advised to show their skills. They could portray anything in the form of poetry, singing, dancing etc.  

This was the most entertaining part of the day, which every individual longed for. Their passion was out in the open, each day they would attempt a new skill.

Rachel enjoyed this session, even the seniors never hesitated from doing it.The moment Rachel strummed her guitar to sing, all eyes turned towards her. They clapped, few even danced to her tune. She never felt so happy, the way she felt today. The smile on their faces lit up the mood.The hrs. passed in a jiffy. Every moment worth lived.

Rachel never imagined life could be so beautiful. In spite of being strangers to one another, they all bonded over Love, keeping aside their Problems.

The positive atmosphere that engulfed the place, made her forget all the sorrows, for a while.



Mohit was happy with this piece of news, shared by Mary. He was still restless, wanting to know about her stay. He was unsure on what grounds to approach Aunt Daisy regarding Rachel.

Though he had sources to trace Rachel, but preferred to wait instead.

He couldn’t share the turmoil within him to anyone. He feared, if Rachel would ever accept his love. The age-gap, divorced status and two kids, why would a girl ever fall for this! Money and social status were all he had.

Mohit conditioned his mind that it would be unfair on his part to profess his love to her. Rachel could have a better future ahead, instead of sticking on to him. She had never ever hinted nor shown any feelings towards him. He wanted to erase every memory about her. Though, it wasn’t easy for him to do so, but the universe wanted it that way.

It must have been Love, but it’s over now. It must have been good, but I lost it somehow.


Daisy on one hand, was confused about Mohit’s love for Rachel. Lots of if’s, but’s and why’s haunted her. Though he was a handsome man, in fact a true ‘gentleman’, but his personal life perturbed her.

Derick on the other hand, was happy to hear about Mohit’s love. He was the only guy who stood by their side at the time of Lucy’s death. Mohit was a self -sufficient man, so it was obvious he loved Rachel sincerely.

Daisy agreed to Derick’s version about Mohit.

They both said in unison, “Rachel will have to decide.”


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