chapter 25

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The adoption centre, legally handed over Pari to Rachel. The letter of adoption was a proof to it.

Rachel shared her happiness with Mohit, who was happy but shocked beyond words. He never imagined her to go this far.

“Hello, Mohit. I’m happy to share that I’m a mom, now.”


“You were aware about Pari’s presence at Sparsh, right! I know you were angry with me the other day, for not revealing it out to you…..I’m sorry. But I was too busy with her. Really forgot about the world beyond this home. The moment I held her, I felt heavenly. The police traced out her mother. Her biological mother was a rape victim. She disowned the child, on her parents’ instruction.  She is a minor too. The culprit is in police custody. The mother and her family readily agreed to put the child up for adoption. When they knew, I was looking after Pari and was interested in adopting her, they willingly accepted it. Though, the agency were sceptical on this. After giving them sufficient financial evidence and after receiving positive feedback from the seniors at Sparsh, they agreed to my demands. I’m so damn happy.”

“That’s good news. Congrats Rachel, on your new found happiness. Good to hear your cheerful voice.”

“Thanks Mohit. I have lots of dreams for her. I know you are upset with me ….”

Mohit interrupted,” Forget about all this. I’ll come soon to meet your daughter.”

“Definitely. I’m holding a small party at Sparsh day after. Please grace the occasion and bless Pari. Do get Aryan and Ayushman too. Thanks for everything, you were always a giver, though I was not of much help to you.”

“Rachel stop being silly. You are running Sparsh, that itself is a blessing. Aryan holds you with high regards.”

“Mohit, I’ll just hang on, Pari’s crying…let me check on her..bye”

“Bye Mama.”

“ha..ha bye”

Mohit was happy for Rachel. At the corner of his heart, he still longed for her. After she took this major leap in her life, he respected and loved her million times more.

On hearing the news, Aryan and Ayushman, were excited to see the baby.

Daisy Aunty was upset initially, when Rachel broke out this news to her. She wondered, how her life would shape up.

“I don’t know what you are up to. You never discussed with me in detail before taking this step.How are you going to manage as a single mother? I’m happy for you, but too concerned too. Who will marry you?”

“Aunty, my life was different and will always be. Let’s think of the present. I still haven’t thought of marriage. Please do come tomorrow itself alongwith uncle, day after I’m holding a party at Sparsh for Pari. You can see and bless your granddaughter. I’ll talk to you in detail on your visit here. Please plan for a week.”

“Ok dear, I’m happy for you. Granddaughter…..its such a lovely feeling.”

They both hung up, hoping to catch up soon.

Daisy’s eyes welled up on hearing this, she had to do a lot of shopping for her granddaughter.

2days later at Sparsh:

Sparsh was buzzing. All were excited for the event, which was to begin in the next couple of hrs.

Daisy Aunty arrived early morning along with Derick. They both were beaming with joy, looking at the sleeping baby. Too eager to hold it.

“If Rachel’s parents were alive, the scene would have been different,” thought Daisy.

Mohit arrived just on time, Aryan and Ayushman too accompanied him. Both the kids bought a Barbie each, for Pari.

The baby was dressed in a white gown with a floral crown. She looked true to her name.Rachel glowed in a crème gown. She held the baby in her arms. The baby kept tossing its heads, looking at the crowd around.

Mohit gawked at her, she looked divine. She resembled like a fairy mother holding an angel in her arm.

Mohit requested Rachel, to handover Pari to him. She obliged. The baby stared at him with those twinkling eyes, seemed to convey something to him. He entertained her by making all sorts of sounds. She giggled and loved being in those arms. He was overwhelmed and felt so much in love with the baby. Daisy and Derick loved this sight. Before handing over the baby back to Rachel, he kissed and whispered, “I’ll make you, my angel someday.”

Rachel moved to the hall, where everyone was seated. She walked towards the priest, who was waiting for them.

The priest offered prayers and blessed the mother and child.

Aryan and Ayushman, showered their love on the little one, by caressing its cheeks and hands. 

Before everyone was offered lunch, Rachel made an announced:

“Today, I’m a proud mother to this lovely baby girl. It’s because of everyone’s blessings, especially my parents, that I’m standing here with my priceless possession. I promise to shower all the love she deserves. I was touched by many people, who crossed my path in this lifetime. Many personalities have had an impact on me during my life. One such person is Princess Diana. Her grace and kindness touched many hearts.  Like a candle in the wind-never fading. Today, I, Rachel James, officially name my baby as ‘Diana-Lucy James’, the three pillars of my life. But, she will be our Pari.”

Everyone had tears in their eyes, by the time she concluded her speech. Daisy and Derick, embraced her, they stood in this position for some time. Mohit captured this glorious moment on his camera.

The photographers too were on their job.

After lunch, all assembled in the garden. A surprise was in stored for them. Rachel wanted everyone to be, a kid for the day.

She handed a pair of colourful helium balloons to the young and old.

The event was drawn to a close, when each person released those balloons up in the air, in turns as advised by Rachel. They all watched it going higher n higher in full enthusiasm. Pari was amused at the sight and smiled to full glory.

The Sparsh family was captured in a single frame.

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