chapter 27

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Rachel shared her time between with Mohit and Pari. Mohit was a happy man, so was Rachel. A new beginning for both.

Mohit was out from the ICU, except for the pain, all the parameters were within the normal range. He had to spend a week more in the hospital.

Ayushman and Aryan, were informed about the turn of events. They weren't allowed to meet Mohit in the hospital, due to their age. But Mohit spoke to them on daily basis. Rachel provided necessary moral support to them via phone. Luckily, Mary's presence at home was of great help and Rachel could freely discuss about the kids with her.

Seetha handled Sparsh in her absence. The elders too co-operated and helped the children, whenever needed.


The police got solid evidence and the builder was put behind bars. The trial would commence once Mohit got back to normal.


The office ran in Mohit's absence, but he was updated time-to-time of the happenings.

Mohit got sufficient time to spend with Rachel. Rachel was glowing in love. Everything she did for him, had a touch of her love.

The hospital was the beginning of their romantic journey.

She blushed when he sang, "Nothing gonna change my love for you......"

But how could she not respond to him back, with a song. A song that Mohit truly deserved, and there she responded, "For all the times you stood by me, for all the things that you made me see, for all the joy you brought into my life............."

They promised to love each other till the end of time.

They didn't want to delay their plan further. Both eagerly wanted to start their journey together.A journey where they could share their love, sorrow, happiness that life had to offer.

They decided to plan a Christian wedding, since it was Rachel's parents unfulfilled dream to see her in the wedding gown. Mohit wanted to fulfil it, for she too deserved her share of dreams and happiness.


Daisy Aunty jumped with joy, on Rachel's decision. They decided to plan the wedding at the earliest, and simple, by keeping Mohit's condition in mind.


After 15days, Mohit was back on his feet.

25th February 2019, 5 p.m. Mohit weds Rachel.

All at Sparsh were invited to mark the nuptial. A special bus was arranged for the same.

Rachel was dolled up like a Christian bride in her white gown. Baby Diana's outfit too resembled her mothers.

Daisy and Derick took her parents place. They blessed Rachel abundantly. Rachel along with Diana, bowed in front of her parents' photo, before leaving home. She poured her heart out, for she missed their presence on her big day.

Rachel wore a white net chiffon and organza silk gown with a white Tiara. Her mothers diamond necklace lined her neck.

The flower girl were two young girls from Sparsh. They looked beautiful in a white frock which resembled Rachel's.

At the church, the flower girls led the way, spreading flowers on the path.

Rachel got down from the car, holding Diana in her arms and walked on the path laden with flowers. Her long veil followed her.

Daisy and Derick, followed them.

Rachel was greeted by Mohit, who was already present there, alongwith Aryan and Ayushman. He wanted to see his lady love, but the veil was a barrier.

Mohit wore a blue suite and cufflinks. He looked desirable. The boys too wore suites, coordinating with their father's outfit.

The Sparsh family were seated within the Church, eagerly waiting for the bride and the groom.

Mohit walked the aisle along with his sons and sat in front of the alter.

The flower girls took the lead, followed by Daisy. Daisy sat with the flower girls and Mohit's kids.

This was a different kind of a marriage in every way. The parents from both sides were absent, the page boy, the bridesmaid all were skipped.

All mattered were the ones present there, their love and blessings.

Derick held Rachels hand and led her down the aisle. Rachel sat beside Mohit.

The priest chanted the vows, both agreed by saying ' I do'. Rings were exchanged. They both were pronounced as Husband and Wife.

Mohit lifted his wife's veil, and kissed her luscious lips. They both were bonded for life.

The crowd cheered and congratulated them. Aryan and Ayushman were happy to get a mother as Rachel. Rachel was happy for the gift of a family. Mohit was blessed with a daughter and the love of his life.

Rachel along with her family, visited her parents grave to take their blessings.

Now, she was blessed with a big...big family.

Rachel lived in Mohit's abode with her three kids. The home was filled with laughter and love.

Seetha helped with the running of the home. Rachel visited Sparsh twice a week, to check on its functioning.

The following year there was one more addition to the family, a daughter- Richa. Their daughter was a symbol of their unconditional love.

Now the family picture was complete. Perfect click

Daisy and Derick were blessed with 4 grandchildren. They were happy in their own way.

Many years down the line, Rachel penned her first book ' Rhythm of my Life'.

Thanks for being such lovely readers. I appreciate all the love you have showered to me through my story.

When I started with this story, I wanted it to end in 10chapters, but this continued on n on.....I have tried to portray, the circumstances of life we all go through in this story. Its not necessary to have an happy ending to it, but we can strive for one.

Life is unpredictable for most ofs us. At times things move the way we want to, but not always.

Never give up on life. God has a different plan for everyone.Do what you can, get going. Take help, if required.

Thank you n God bless you.

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