chapter 20

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Mohit like a true gentleman, opened the door of the car, for Rachel. She was pleased by his gesture.

He drove his Jaguar towards Worli sea link.

As he drove further, his eyes fell on the road side kulfiwala. He looked at Rachel with hopeful eyes and asked, "Care for a kulfi?"

Rachel gave a confused look at him. She couldn't believe that a person of his calibre would go to a road side stall. He snapped his fingers.

"Oh, yes, why not!" she replied coming out from her trance.

Mohit parked the vehicle and ordered for two kulfis.

They both decided to enjoy the sea breeze. They got down from their car and leant against it, facing the sea. The sea was buzzing with its dormant strength.

They both were engrossed with their kulfis.

Mohit shared his childhood days with her, "when I was small, I used to come here with my parents and spend few hrs looking at the sea. It was quality time spend with family. We would share lots of anecdote's and as usual would wind up with a kulfi. But now things have changed. After ages, I'm coming over here and everything is so nostalgic. I miss those days. You must be wondering a rich guy and street food."

"Yes, these are rare sights. How come you are like this?" she asked, giving a questioning look at him.

"My father started this company from scratch. He was from a middleclass family and this company is a result of his hard work. We always lived a normal life. He taught me many thing that are etched in my mind, "no matter how big you become, never forget where you came from. Always be grounded because nothing is constant in your life," he spoke with great pride.

"Hmmm. Nice knowing this part of you. My childhood was fun, with my parents around, a carefree girl nothing to bother about. It hit me hard when I lost my dad, he was my pillar. Then mom's surgery gave me that ultimatum. Get up and get going. It paid off now, if I wouldn't have taken my first step, I would have been shattered by now. I think God send me those warning signals, to take on my responsibilities."

"I'm really proud of you, I admire these qualities of yours. You are strong and you keep bouncing back. Don't ever feel like a loser, be a warrior! You should set examples for other women too. You can do it once 'Sparsh' opens up. I'll guide you how to go about it."

"That's wonderful. You have high hopes from me, Mohit! Hope I don't disappoint you."

" Yes, why not. I feel,...... I have found a friend in you."

"Sure.Same here. So, shall we go.....or stay till sunrise? ha..ha."

"ha..ha....yes boss," teased Mohit.

They both travelled their way to Chembur, blabbering nonstop like close buddies.

Mohit wanted to give Rachel some time and know her feelings, before confessing his love.


Rachel devoted her time, studying the various government norms involved with the functioning of Sparsh. She googled her way through different such centres across the globe, in order to get an idea about the facilities provided by them. She did her bit of homework to get a complete knowledge of running the centre.

Time to time, she provided her inputs to Mohit. He planned everything by taking all the points as suggested.

Now, they started communicating on a daily basis. Their talks revolved around the project most often, at times it would be friendly.

Both were enjoying this newfound friendship.


Daisy Aunty was happy with the happenings in Rachels and Mohit's life. She got some of the information from Mary. Though Rachel never revealed much of their friendship, but she would try to hear it from the horse's mouth.

Derick and Daisy maintained a good rapport with Mohit.

Mohit asked them to grace their presence on the inauguration of 'Sparsh Sanstha.' They readily agreed to mark their presence.


Mohit had a hectic schedule, he had to divide time between office, site and home.

Only a week was left for the inauguration of the Sanstha. Everything was going on as per schedule. But invitations and other minor things kept everyone on their toes.

Though Rachel was involved in selecting most of the interiors for the centre, , she never got the opportunity to visit it, in person.

One fine morning she got a call from Mohit.

"Hello, Good morning. Rachel I'll be there in 30min. Get ready, we are going to 'Sparsh."

" What! Are you crazy! It's only 6 in the morning. You couldn't inform me last night? Let me sleep for some more time," she spoke halfway in her sleep.

" I'm reaching there shortly. You have to make it a habit of getting up early. Your life is going to get tough, dear. You'll have emergencies on certain days, some issue or the other will crop up, during your tenure. Be prepared," he chuckled.

"Ok..ok... I'll get ready, give me 45min."

"That's good. Get all the necessary papers with you."

"Ok fine."

Mohit buzzed Rachel and waited outside her building, to avoid prying eyes.

After a while, Rachel walked towards the car. She greeted Mohit and sat inside the car making a puppy face.

Mohit smiled at her and zoomed the car through the roads of Mumbai.

At Vashi, they halted at a small joint to have breakfast.

While eating in a haste some grain of food remained on Mohit's face, which went unnoticed. The minute Rachel's eye fell on it, without giving a second thought, she brushed it off with her hands. He felt goose bumps all across his body, by her gentle touch. Rachel felt a bit awkward on realising what she had just done. They locked eyes for a few seconds, before moving towards the car.

There was silence in the air. No one was to be blamed for what just happened.

Both were hesitant to speak, Mohit switched on the F.M to break the quietness.

The song that was playing, put them in a fixed spot. "Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you......". Mohit went on switching channels, but love songs played everywhere. Out of frustration, he switched it off and banged his hand on the dashboard. Rachel who was a witness to all this, burst out into a heap of laugher.

Mohit heaved a sigh of relief, on seeing his lady love roar with laughter. He gave a killing smile that would take one's breath away.

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