Chapter 9

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Rachel woke up late next morning, to the beep sound of the mobile.

"Mr.Mo.... Mohit" she screamed, recollecting last night's incidence. She didn't attend the call due to fear. She jumped out of her bed, noticing it was past 9a.m. As planned, she was supposed to join her boss and colleagues over breakfast. She presumed the call was made on noticing her absence.

Rachel was in two minds whether to call her boss or not. Her mind was running wild with thoughts, her heart kept pumping faster on dialling Mohit.

"Sir, I'm sorry, won't be able to join you all for breakfast. I...I overslept.Will meet you all in the Conference hall at 10 a.m ."

"Ok.fine. See you then.Anything else you want to tell me?"

Rachel was dumbstruck by this question. She wanted to apologise about her last night behaviour.

", nothing." She couldn't gather enough courage to utter those words of forgiveness.

Mr. Mohit understood her state of mind and the reason for not joining them. He wanted to know what exactly was running in her mind.


Prior to the meeting, all from Mohit's team, except Rachel assembled at the conference table.

Rachel dressed herself in a business suite, walked her way to the Conference room. Her puffed eyes were evidence to her innocent act. Her job, reputation everything was at stake. She just couldn't meet anyone's eyes including the hotel staff, with a feeling that everyone around was a witness to her action.

With bated breath, she knocks and then opens the door. She greets everyone with a faint smile, without looking at them. Mr. Mohit notices her swollen eyes, so does the others.

"What happened Miss. Rachel, were you crying all night?"quizzed one of the Executive.

Now, she was caught red handed.

"Yes Sir, missing mom!" saying so, she justified herself.

Before it could lead to further questioning, Mr. Mohit interrupted.

"Let's continue."

They continued discussing on various aspects pertaining to the meeting.

Once the clients arrived, the meeting commenced on a serious note.

Rachel sat embarrassed next to Mohit, taking down notes pertains to the meeting. She assisted her team with the presentations.

Mohit behaved very maturely towards her, this made Rachel more comfortable.

Once the meeting concluded, they headed for lunch. Rachel preferred to remain quite all throughout, and faked a smile at intervals.

The clients moved out after lunch, so did Mohit and his team.

Mohit was picked up by his driver, since he had to attend his kids school, for the open day.

His staffs proceeded in an SUV that was arranged to drop them.Rachel jumped out of the car, once it touched Chembur, bidding good bye to everyone. She felt suffocated all this while, for keeping her mouth shut for so long.


The maid opened the door and greeted her.The nurse had left for the day.Rachel rushed to the bedroom to meet her mom.

Rachel hugged her mom, she shared every detail about her days away from home minus the act that let her down. Her mom was all ears to her non-stop babble.

"Darling, I missed you a lot, prepared your favourite Chicken Sarpotel for dinner.Today after a long time, I tried preparing something."

" Wow mom, I'll relish it. So nice of you to think of me, I missed you a lot.But my days were so hectic, I would leave early and get back late. "

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