Chapter 19

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Rachel felt the need to leave the centre now, which she called her home. She was filled with beautiful memories of her stay. Taking back good values and lessons of life were all that she treasured.

The night before leaving, she thanked every individual, irrespective of their age and wished them good luck. She shared her future plans to them. They blessed her for her noble cause. She offered to help the homeless and the aged, from the centre also.

Rachel bid a tearful goodnight to everyone.

Next morning, Rachel boarded the bus to Goa. She wanted to spend quality time with her Aunt and Uncle, before getting busy with life.

Goa had lots of memories of her parents, the time they spend together. 

All throughout her journey, she kept planning her life ahead. She had prepared herself mentally, to put in her best at all times.


Daisy was surprised to meet Rachel, “You didn’t inform us. What a surprise! The last time you came, it was the three of you…..sorry…sorry to hurt you.” Rachel composed herself and hugged both of them. They were her parents now onwards, for the rest of her life.

“Aunty, I came just to be with you both. I’m very hungry please feed me something.”

Daisy took the full liberty and pampered her. She fed every morsel of food, cherishing the feel of motherhood. Uncle Derick enjoyed watching the two and cracked jokes at intervals.

The atmosphere at Derick’s house had changed completely. A house on fire. Lots of chitchat and laughter. It appeared that the daughter of the house was back home after ages.

Now their responsibility towards Rachel was manifold. They wanted to protect and give her everything, what she desired.

Derick jotted down a 7day travel plan for the three of them, within Goa. Rachel agreed to their demands.


Mohit was busy sorting out things for his dream project. He wanted to inaugurate it, as scheduled.

Work was going on in full swing, without any hurdles.  The existing building, had major interior works and miscellaneous work pending. Mohit ensured that maximum work force was deployed to meet the date.

The government too had given clearance from their end and everything was in place.

He was even more happy that Rachel would be running his pet project. He had to ensure, that Rachel had a supporting staff for the proper functioning of this home.

Mohit had a name in mind for this home, only if Rachel agreed to.

Since, two days there wasn’t any news from her end, he wanted to desperately talk to her.

“Hello Rachel, hope you are doing fine. So, what’s going on.”

“I’m fine, thank you.Nothing specific. I’m in Goa at the moment and we are at Calangute, for a short vacation.”

“ Ohh. That’s nice. Sorry to disturb.  Actually, I had a name in mind for this home…’Sparsh Sanstha’, how’s it! Did you like it?”

“The name sounds wonderful….Sparsh means Touch…it’s just perfect.Let’s go with this one. Mohit I’m planning to comeback soon and will go through the necessary documents then. Even I would like to pool in some money for this home….infact it will soon be my home too.”

“Not at all. Keep the money for your needs. You are hurting me by telling these words. Your home!”

“Forget it, nothing. See you soon. They both are waiting for me, bye Mohit. Give regards to the kids.”

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