Chapter 23

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Rachel was all lost in her thoughts, she couldn't concentrate on anything, after Mohit confession.

Firstly, she couldn't believe what he said and secondly, about her feelings for him.

The only person she could share this was Aunt Daisy. She was feeling quite awkward to put it across.

She wondered what would be her Aunt's reaction to all this. Would she give Mohit a piece of mind? All these thoughts disturbed her.

The entire day passed by, with neither of them calling nor texting each other.

Rachel had no answer to it. Everything seemed like a blank slate of life, directionless.

She thought of giving her aching brains some rest, by discussing it with Aunty.

"Hello, Aunty....hope I'm not disturbing you this late. How's Uncle?"

"Ohh silly girl, you and disturb. We are all ears for you. He's fine.So how was Mohit's birthday? Did you wish him?"

"Aunty, in fact I baked a cake. That made him happy, he was very moody until then."

"Wow, I never expected this from you. Never mind, poor chap has no one to do this for him. I called him up at noon and he sounded happy."

"Hmm. Aunty, I would like to share something with you. I don't know from where to begin with."

"Tell me dear, why are you hesitating with me! I have always been friendly with you. Open up."

"Aunty I know that, Mohit.....Mohit.......he confessed that he loves me."

" Wow, what are you saying. I can't believe this. Finally, he did it. I told Derick that he loves you. He's so sweet. Just made for you. That Peter was a useless, this guy will keep you happy," Daisy shouted in excitement.

Rachel screamed from the other end, "So you all knew this. Don't tell me, I'm the last person on this earth to know this. God...but I'm not having any feelings for him. Though he's nice sweet handsome and what not..."

Daisy cut her by saying, "Shut up......he's nice, sweet, handsome and then no feelings...impossible..."

Rachel interrupted, "Anyone can be like that...... and .... I thought you'll sort my problem; you are jumping to a conclusion."

"Hold the guys who you find nice, sweet and whatever ...."

"mmm.....there are many I don't recollect their names. But I'm not .....I don't know whether I love him."

"Caught you. It's not necessary, like what you see in Hollywood or Bollywood movies. I can't force you to love someone, unless you don't experience it yourself. He has shown his love in many ways; when your mom left us, he was always there beside us. He gave you sufficient time to come to terms with your grief. You left everything one fine day, that put him in deep stress. He missed you a lot, tried finding ways to meet you. Mary seen this transformation in him, the kids too noticed the changes in him. He was drifting away. That's when you approached him, for help. Mohit bounced back with that spark. I know, he's a divorced man with kids, that's the only drawback in him. We have to compromise somewhere or the other. You take your time, don't just go by my words. You have to live your life. Whatever is your decision, I'm ok with it."

Though Daisy tried convincing Rachel, she knew it would be really tough for her to arrive at a conclusion. She already had a bitter experience of love, previously. Now she was in a different phase of life, where marriage has taken a backseat.

Daisy said a silent prayer, for Rachel to realise Mohit's love for her.

"I wasn't aware of many things.....maybe I ignored him. I need time, you know Sparsh is my priority. I don't know what more to tell. Bye goodnight."

Rachel disconnected the call. She said her daily prayers, then tried to catch on sleep. Thoughts kept crossing her mind, now n then. After a few hrs, her eyes grew heavier and she drifted to sleep.


Mohit felt better after all the confession, but somewhere his heart ached to know her response. Though he had mentally prepared himself to accept rejection, but his heart wouldn't accept it.

Going back to his bachelor days. Mohit had everything in life; girlfriends, money, freedom etc. But he stayed within his limits, never did he give anyone a chance to point fingers at him.

Later, when he had established himself, his parents found a suitable match for him. Things went smoothly for a few years, but later it was beyond repair. Mohit blamed himself for this breakup. He was too busy with work, due to which he was unable to devote enough time at home. But somewhere his wife too was to be blamed, for not sorting things out.

He had lost trust in the institution of marriage, after all the setbacks.

Rachel had bought a change in his life. Unknowingly, she had built a space in his heart. She had rekindled the flame within him. Her sincerity and never-give up- attitude bowled him off.

Mohit respected her as an individual. Her feelings about this relationship really mattered to him. He never wanted her to love him, for all that he had done for her. Because after a point, everything may fade off. He longed for, 'love till eternity', that emitted from deep within, the heart.

Though, Rachel shared a good bond with Aryan & Ayushman, now she would have to play the role of a mother too. A mother to two non-biological kids, needed a bigger heart.A heart full of love, strength and patience. She should be able to love them as her own, nothing should deter her path.

For Rachel, it would be a challenge to arrive at a decision. It would be tough both as a wife and as a mother. She would get a bigger family, if she vowed to stay with him.

But will Rachel sacrifice her life, for them?

She had many dreams of her own, to accomplish. She could live life on her own terms, why take such huge responsibilities on her shoulder.


Days passed by, without any interaction. Every time, Mohit's phone beeped, he would hope it was hers.

Rachel would message him often, but it was limited to Sparsh. She didn't want to make a lifelong decision, in a hurry. She still needed to understand him better.

Though all this played on in her mind, she maintained her bonding with Aryan.


One day, Rachel received a call from the local police station.

Mohit had intimated the inspector, about the orphanage and old age home, that fell under his judiciary. Any child who was abandoned, abused or neglected could seek shelter at Sparsh. The same applied to the elderly.

Keeping this in mind Mr. Shinde rang up Rachel.

"Hello, Madam inspector Shinde here. Yesterday, we found an infant, among heaps of garbage. Luckily the baby girl is fine. Since we are unable to trace the parents. Can we send the baby to Sparsh, till we find them?"

"Baby and garbage! How cruel the parents could be? There are many childless couple, longing for one and here.....Do get the baby today itself! We'll be happy to welcome her. We have an experienced team to handle the baby. When can we expect you?"

"That's good, probably tomorrow. The baby is in the hospital, under observation. Once everything is clear from their end, we'll complete the formalities and handover the child to you."

"Will be happy to help you, bye."

Rachel happiness knew no limits with this piece of news. In no time, everyone at Sparsh, talked about the baby. They were all excited for its arrival. To shower their love and care to this tiny tot, who was abandoned by her parents.

Soon, Rachel's mind drifted away from Mohit's thoughts to the baby.

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