Feburary 6, 2106, District 5

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The two brothers slowly made their way around the maze of hallways. District 5 was huge, multiple buildings were built together to create the huge facility. Each section was full of Creatures and Inhumans alike. The two brothers were separated when they were brought to the district, but the guards soon realized they always found a way together. The younger one, with a round face but strong body, had the power of speed. He was able to go fast enough for the sensors to not catch his movements when he sneaks out to his older brother's unit.

The older had sharper eyes and squarer face than his younger brother. He kept silent, the metal contraption around his mouth and neck keeping him from making any noise. His power was that of a special kind. He was able to send such powerful sound waves through the air that the vibrations can tear things apart. The waves have to match the energy waves that the object is already giving off, but he has always been what people call a nerd. The older brother can usually tell what things are made up off, and can easily match the waves with his mostly silent ones. His brother always imagined that he could also read different wave frequencies somehow, but he was put in the contraption making him mute before he could try.

"Woojin, hold up." The younger of the Kim brothers stopped. He suddenly rushed by, disappearing to the naked eye. The sensor on the wall didn't move, didn't blare out. Woojin was proud of his little brother, but had always laughed at his power, the younger was the laziest person Woojin had ever met.

"Come on." Woojin walked passed the now turned off sensor and saw a knocked out gaurd as well. "Its just through those doors, and we're free. Come on." Seungmin started to get excited, seeing freedom right in front of them. Woojin grabbed onto his brother's shoulders, he moved his arms down slowly, silently telling his brother to stay calm. Seungmin nodded and walked over to the door, still checking for more guards. He pulled out the key card that he had stolen earlier from a guard. He put the card in the small sliver, a small green light showing the unlocked door.

"Quickly. The guards are all over the grounds." Seungmin said and flung open the door. He ran with Woojin, not using his speed as he ran toward the fence. They both knew not to touch the metal, it was charged with electric currents. Seungmin once touched it accidentally and he was knocked out for at least a week.

The sirens started, white lights making the compound look like daylight. The two boys never stopped, running toward the metal gate. Seungmin saw guards come out, they all had guns on them. He was surprised to not see the golden streaks the bullets usually possessed.

"Keep going!" Seungmin yelled to Woojin, they were so close. "I'll get the guards!" There were four guards at the gate, guns pointed perfectly at the brothers. Seungmin didn't see is brother try to stop him as he suddenly sped forward. The world became a blur around the boy, his body speeding across the grass. Except, Seungmin was mistaken about his speed. He knocked out two guards easily, but he went in front of another and the world finally caught up to him. The guard pulled the trigger on his gun, the bullet going straight into his shoulder.

Seungmin was thrown to the ground clutching his shoulder in agony as the guards were momentarily struck back. Woojin tried to yell, scream for his younger brother to get up and away from the now advancing guards. The contraption on his mouth usually ticked out these sounds, but this was stronger than usual, someone hurt his little brother and he wasn't going to let that go unnoticed. The frequency was enough to shatter everything around, and enough to break the soundproof mask. Woojin was momentarily knocked off his feet as the contraption blew up around his face. He got up quickly, the guards were once again surprised and Woojin took his chance to charge at the men.

The guards aimed quickly, one looking toward Seungmin while the other was poised at Woojin himself. He opened his mouth in a silent scream, and within seconds both guns had combusted in the guards hands. Woojin neared one guard, who reeled back to punch the boy, but Woojin dodged easily and punched the man in the gut, then again in the chest. The guard stumbled back, clutching his chest, but Woojin ran forward and moved quickly to knock the man out. He grabbed onto the back of the guards head, forcing it down and into his knee as he brought it up.

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