August 4, 2107, District 9

653 37 5

"Come on, we can all be friends." Minho had been pinned to a wall by a boy much stronger than him, but also shorter then him. Minho didn't use his strength to push the boy off, he didn't really care for the time being.

"Oh, yeah, and why would we do that. We don't even know what you are." Minho laughed as the boy with such a sharp face talked in a small and cute voice.

"Aww, you are so cute!" Minho tried to go to the younger boy, but he was still restrained. "Have none of you seen a fucking demon? Really?" Minho's teeth shrank and he changed his eyes back to normal.

"A demon?" Jisung asked as he scowled. Minho opened his mouth to answer but the boy holding his shifted him to the side. The small movement made not only his wing scrunch and hurt, he also scraped open probably tones of wounds on his back. Minho yelled out and easily pushed the man off. His eyes and teeth went back to demon form as a reflex, but Minho leaned down on the ground.

"Oh my God!" The boy with the cute voice ran forward and put a hand on Minho's shoulder. "I don't fucking care if you all think he is a duchebag, he escaped and we are going to help him." Minho looked up as the boy who seemed like the youngest made everyone silent. The younger helped Minho stand and as he did so he allowed his wings to shrink and disappear into his back.

"Thank you." Minho's voice lowered and showed how much pain he was in, making the other boys look at each other.

"Its okay Minho, come on." The boy latched himself onto the older's arm and lead him toward the infirmary. "My name is Jeongin. I don't even know why the boys are acting like this. Jisung himself literally attacked me. He even gave me this scar." Jeongin rolled up his shoulder sleeve to show a pink and white scar that covered the top of his shoulder.

"What are you, as well as Jisung?" Jeongin let Minho walk into the infirmary first and he walked toward one of the beds.

"Lay down on your stomach." Jeongin instructed. "Jisung and I are both Hybrids. I can turn into both a small little puppy and a wolf. And Jisung is a huge black panther." Minho winced as he felt Jeongin dab small cottons with some sort of treatment of his back.

"Jeongin, sorry we were being asses." Minho recognized the voice as the first one to give him a threat. Soon someone leaned down in front of him and Minho saw a boy with a strong jaw and smooth eyes. "My name is Chan. I am sorta the leader around here."

"You're a shit leader." Minho chuckled but regretted it as it strained his back. "Why would you threaten some you know for a fact was another escapee?"

"Oh shut up." Chan smiled slightly and patted Minho's head. "Where did you come from that they beat you so bad?"

"District 6." Jeongin slowly helped Minho sit up and he finally saw the rest of the boys already inside. "They beat all of us, I think I was one of the worse cases."

"They burned you?" Jisung walked forward and sat behind Minho. He looked over the red marks and scars of the burned skin in the shape of different brands. "What are these logos?"

"I don't know. The guards used old things people used the brand wood or cattle. Or they just used a red hot bar and beat me with it." Minho sounded distant as he looked at the ground. "The rest of the marks are from make-shift whips."

"Damn." Jeongin whispered before wrapping the bandages and gauze around Minho's torso. "Why didn't you have a shirt on when you came, and no shoes?"

"Well, the shoes is because they never gave us any." Minho looked up at Jeongin and Chan. "And the shirt is because I got excited when I saw the school and I put my wings out without thinking and ripped my shirt. But it was pitch black and a long sleeve so I don't fucking care." The boys started laughing as they thought about Minho's words.

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