October 3, 2111, District 9

609 35 4

Jeongin shifted quickly, in an instant he was on all fours. Felix didn't falter as he saw the shift, he crouched down, ready for the attack which came with a low growl. Jeongin flung forward, claws outstretched to sink into Felix's strong chest. Although he was fast and relied on speed to knock Felix down, the older was faster, somehow catching the wolf off guard.

It almost felt sped up in the way Felix moved. He ducked and moved to the side of where Jeongin would land. He moved forward so his wings ran right under the wolf. He moved up, the strongest part if his wing running straight into the wolf's chest, pushing him up and back. The wolf was thrown from the force, landing on his back but moving quickly.

Jeongin snarled at Felix, not paying attention to the shift of his form and the blood dripping from his now pointed teeth. He ran forward, literally body slamming into the boy, but he was ready for it. He landed on his back the wolf's claws sinking deep past skin and muscle on his arm, ripping into bone. Felix let out an inhumane yell, sounding between a snarl and a growl. The boys thought Jeongin would be able to sustain Felix, even maybe be able to handicap him. All of them would be proven wrong within minutes.

As one paw was kept on the ground, the other was kept into Felix's arm. Jeongin snarled about to bite down on Felix's exposed shoulder, but Felix was quicker. Using his free arm he knocked Jeongin off balance and brought his head forward. He used his uninjured hand to grab onto Jeongin's scruff as he brought his shoulder down and sunk his needle like teeth through his strong muscle. The wolf howled, trying to get out of he older's grip as his teeth sunk past muscle and scraped against bone. Felix held the wolf stable, making sure it couldn't scramble out of his grip.

"JEONGIN!" Chan tried to run forward but the boys held him back, knowing if he intervened he would be dead in an instant. Jeongin finally let his claws out of Felix's shoulder, and Felix pushed him up and used his feet to flick the wolf away.

Blood ran down Felix face and he got up and smiled sickly at the wolf. Jeongin tried to get up, but he was in so much pain he couldn't put any weight on his leg, making him whine and collapse. Felix smiled and ran his tongue over his teeth. The blood in his mouth seemed to cause him to go insane, and his body started to shift once again. The boys watched as the skin on his back split, his spine now pushing up as blood ran around the wound. Each crimson stained vertebrae elongated and started to create thick spines along his back.

Changbin watched with wide eyes as Felix stood crouched, head cocked and looking ready to attack the already maimed wolf once again. His eyes were suddenly brought away from Felix, to Minho, who was holding a long broad stick. He held it up, glancing his eyes quickly toward Felix, and Changbin knew his plan. Changbin let himself shift slightly, just in case the boy attacked him instead.

"FELIX STOP!" Changbin's voice was enough to make Felix's head turn, but the boys were horrified by his face. His cheek bones were higher, his black and gold eyes almost caught you in a trance. Blood covered his lips and jaw, his open mouth revealed pin sharp teeth, also covered in blood. Changbin thought Minho would be quick enough, but Felix heard Minho run forward.

Minho knew his plan wouldn't run smoothly, so when Felix turned back around he brought a hand across his jaw. His face was thrown to the side, his hand catching himself from the hard punch. As Felix's head was turned Minho swung around the old branch he found, striking the boy in the back of his head. The wood cracked in half from the impact, but it didn't seem to cause any damage to the boys skull. Felix fell to the ground, limp and unmoving. His body quickly shifted back into the human form, blood still covering his back and face.

Chan ran to Jeongin, not even bothering to restrain Felix. Jeongin shifted quickly, groaning and whining in pain, allowing the older to pick him up and run him into the infirmary so he could help him. Minho dropped the branch, surprising everyone as he also ran with Chan to help Jeongin, forgetting about Felix. Most of the boys followed the two, going to try to help in any way they can. Only Changbin stayed, staring down at the unconscious Felix.

The New DistrictOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora