October 3, 2111, District 9

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The boys hadn't said anything to Felix, Minho was the only one to barely even look at him. Felix didn't try to talk to them either, he knew they were terrified of him. He was a Monster to them, and he knew none of them would ever accept him. That is why that night, after everyone was in their beds, Felix got up and grabbed a small bag. He packed clothes, only a few, and then a few small foods that could last him a while. He snuck out, a shirt tied around his waist as he held the draw string bag in his hand. He slowly shifted out his wings, allowing the huge wings to drag on the ground. He took a deep breath, the dark night calming his mind.

As Felix got ready to run, he didn't notice the door open, but he did feel the weight pulling on his body. It was soft and he felt no touch, but it was restricting him to the ground. Felix knew the feeling, and he sighed and turned to the boy that was the cause of the boys all hating Felix. His red eyes glowed in the dark, his left arm out, directing the shadow unto Felix.

Changbin stared, clenching his fist and the weight became harder on Felix, making him crouch down. He still stared at Changbin, not letting him move his eyes away. Changbin walked forward, allowing his Shadow to leave as he stood in front of Felix.

"You can't leave." Changbin's voice was lower, harsher, but Felix wasn't affected.

"You all don't want me here, its obvious." Felix stood up, but he didn't move away from Changbin. "Why the hell would I stay?"

"Because it is fucking dangerous." Changbin's shoulders started to broaden and he tried to not shift. Felix obviously noticed and took a step back.

"Just shift, it won't scare me like the others." Felix stared as Changbin allowed his Wraith form to show. He towered over Felix now, but he seemed unaffected. "Badass." Felix said under his breath as he stared straight into the Wraiths eyes. The emotional pain that Changbin was making him feel had barely an effect on Felix. He stared up at the boy in admiration, almost curious of the Creature.

"Dangerous?" Felix went back to Changbin's question. "I survived 4 years in District 8 and found this place in the middle of no where. And you think me running off is gonna put me in danger?"

"We have 4 districts on our asses and you added a 5th, they will kill you on sight." Changbin's voice did send a small shiver down Felix's spine, but he smirked. The voice was low, growled, and rough.

"No, I have one, because you all were deemed dead. District 6 may still be a threat but soon the guards you all slaughtered will be named dead as well." Felix smirked as he saw the Wraith twitch and look away from Felix. He shifted back to his human form, but he kept his height and red eyes.

"How do you know?"

"Guards gossip, talked about a bunch of inmates getting out. Year later or so all of them pronounced dead. After I was sent to District 8, I heard District 6 got a breach as well. They periodically sent out guards to find you all. After barely any of them came back, I am guessing they gave up." Felix turned away, still having the intent to leave.

"You leave, you loose Minho." Changbin reminded Felix of the fact, but he only sighed and his wings dropped the slightest bit. He dropped his eyes to the dried dirt, Changbin could sense the pain coming from the boy.

"He has Jisung, and you all. He barely missed me."

"Really? He wouldn't tell us anything about him having friends in District 6." Changbin thought that fact would help Felix stay, but instead he turned around with a glare.

"Imagine your only friend, your only comfort in a place you call hell, is taken away and promised death. Imagine you were promising each other to get out of constant torture." Felix practically yelled, he didn't care if the other boys woke up now. "Of course Minho tensed up, of course he didn't say anything. You would to if everything was taken away from you in an instant. So don't try to use that pity shit on me. It won't fucking work."

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