August 4, 2107, District 6

709 36 2

"Where the hell is he!?" Minho held his breath as he stayed in the corner of the huge room. The men had never seen him shift, so they never thought to look up. "Come on, he isn't in here." Another guard said. "We have to put up the alarm. Its the only way he will find him."

"I can't believe there is a fucking policy that lights can't go on at night unless the alarms go off." The man shown his flashlight around the room one last time. "Damn Demon boy, always gotta raise hell and cause trouble."

"You could say, that's why I'm a demon." Minho had to sass back, even if it was after both guards left. He jumped down from the rafter. His long sleeve shirt was tied around his waist as he let his bat like wings sprout from his back. His fully black eyes and sharp teeth show off his Demon form. His ash hair had grown long from the two years held in the facility. They cut it short when they brought him in, but didn't spend time cutting it down every time it grew out a little. He resorted to cutting it himself, but it was always a hassle and had left his hair uneven.

Minho tucked his wings behind his back as he walked toward the door slowly. His black pants were cuffed, his bare feet making no sound on the tiled ground. He opened the door slowly, his black eyes seeing perfectly in the near no light. He couldn't see anyone in the hall so he slipped by, shutting the door behind him. He started walking the way he knows as the exit, he couldn't even believe he has gotten this far.

"He isn't here." Minho stopped once he got to the corner. He saw the exit, it was just a dart down the hallway, but he would be in the direct eyes of three heavily armed guards. "For all we know he already fucking left."

"He didn't leave, you idiot." Minho started to prepare himself to sprint to the door. "The doors are locked, plus they will sound the alarm if it is forced open. So his stupid demon strength won't do anything for him." Minho smirked as he held a small card out in front of himself. It was just a piece of plastic, but he got it off a guard he killed and shoved under his cell cot, one that none of the other guards had seemingly found yet. He was certain it will get him out of here.

"The demon has a way out!" A new voice suddenly yelled, and heavy footsteps were heard. "He killed a guard and shoved him under his cot. The card was missing!" The guards were temporarily put into confusion, and Minho took it as his chance. He pushed off the wall and sprinted toward the door. He heard the men yell but he threw the card at the small pad with perfect precision, and the small red light turned green right as he ran into the metal door. He ran out, but jumped into the air as he heard the men come after him with their guns. He knew flying would help him get away, they wouldn't be able to see him against the night sky.

The alarms finally went off, the grounds being lit up with huge flood lights, but Minho's black wings had already carried him above the lights rays. He had to smile to himself as he heard the yelling of the guards. He had outsmarted them, he kept his black wings a secret, and he was so glad he did. Only one other ex-inmate had known about his wings, as he had wings himself.

He hovered in the air for a moment. Taking in that he was finally free. He leaned forward, allowing his strong wings to take him forward, away from District 6. Minho laughed to himself as he flew so easily away from the retched place. Finally free of the people that beat him. That caused him to have so many scars lining his chest and back. He was free, and he was going to enjoy it.

Minho flew for hours, but soon enough he had to land and rest. His wings were tired, and his back hurt from the strain of them pulling his body. He still didn't have enough practice with his wings to fly for so long. As he landed and his wings retracted into his back, Minho fell to his knees. Untying his black shirt and pulling it over his toned chest, he looked around slowly.

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