October 2, 2111, District 9

672 34 8

"First question, you two know each other from District 6?" Chan was the first person to talk once they got inside and all sat down in the living room. Felix didn't sit, he stayed standing and looked around the room.

"Yeah, I was brought there from Australia. I'm 18, so I think I was about 8." Felix had a distance to his voice. "I met Minho when we were put in the same cell."

"You got beaten the same as Minho?" Felix stopped looking around when Jisung asked that. He turned around, showing off his back full of scars. Changbin knew what he was saying without words, Minho's back was covered in scars, but Felix's were all much more ragged and there were so much more on him.

"He was beaten more, because he is more powerful." Changbin said, Felix nodded his head, still not turning around. "How, what did they use on you?"

"Mostly the same as me, but sometimes they would run acid on the blades before they slashed him, or on the whips. They didn't use old branding but they did burn him a lot." Minho kept glancing at his friend making sure he is okay. Felix only shifted his head to look at Minho.

"What about your chest?" Chan asked. They all could see Felix stiffen and start taking deep breaths. He rolled out his head before turning around, but his face held a pained expression.

"You can kick me out after this." Felix said smoothly and continued before anyone could question him. "I was taken to District 8 when I was 14. Even though I was still young, I was strong, and already knew how to fight. When I got there, the guards decided to start a game. Two inmates would fight each other, using all the power they have, and whoever killed the other wins." Everyone gasped, Minho stood up and put a hand on his friends head, but he didn't move. Changbin could hear how distressed he was about this, but how he held his body and the way his eyes moved, he could tell he was holding back from saying something.

"Tell us the full story, Felix." Changbin's voice was smooth, and Felix looked up to see who it was. Felix stared at Changbin as he spoke once again, never breaking eye contact.

"Some humans from District 1 would buy tickets to come see the fights." Felix's voice started to break. "The guards knew I was strong, but they didn't know anything else. They would put me up against Hybrids and demons, thinking they all would be able to take me down easily. After about a year of this I became the house favorite. Now it wasn't just two people fighting each other, now it was a sport." Felix started crying, but he couldn't talk anymore. Minho walked forward, pulling the younger into a hug. Felix grabbed onto the other, but he didn't cry any harder. He tried to calm down, to be able to talk more, since he knew they had more questions.

"Felix?" Jeongin stood up and walked toward the two boys. "What are you?" Felix looked up, and with those words he looked away, looking at Minho than the ground.

"A monster." Felix's voice was dark once more. He didn't look up from the ground as Minho tried to get him too.

"You are not a monster." Minho grabbed into his friends shoulders, Felix looked at him with a seldom expression. His face was dark once more, and his eyes held no sympathy toward himself.

"Would you still be tortured when you were fighting?" Hyunjin asked. They could tell he was trying to help Felix get away from himself.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean were you tortured in District 8."

"Yes, but they were worse at District 6. The guards wanted to preserve me as much as they can so I could keep winning." Felix looked around the room once more, staring at everyone's faces.

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