November 7, 2111, District 9

672 33 5

"Hello, Felix." Changbin sat on the roof top, not even needing to turn around to know the younger was the one now joining him on the roof. The last month was tense, Minho, Changbin, and Jisung being the only ones talking to Felix. He has started to train with them, but it was slow going as Felix was hesitant to fight. Minho would be able to fight him for a while, as well as fighting while flying, but still Felix would always hold back. They were careful when they fought, Felix learning to spar with Jisung in his Panther form. Whenever the two sparred Felix could always feel the other boys staring, but he never wanted to show them that he was dangerous. In the end, this was the only place he could go.

It was the middle of the night, the dark sky and cool air letting Changbin relax and not have to keep his Wraith form hidden.

"Can I join you?" Felix's quivering voice made Changbin shift from his Wraith form quickly. He turned around, his red eyes fading away as he looked at Felix. His black shirt and shorts were loose on him, they rippled in the soft breeze. Felix held one elbow, keeping his gaze on the cement roof. Changbin raised a brow, he could feel Felix's discomfort.

"You okay?" Felix walked forward and they both sat down on the edge of the building. They had grown close, Changbin knowing Felix's every feeling, and Felix being the only one that can handle Changbin's Wraith form.

"I don't think so." Felix stared out onto the horizon. It was early in the morning, hours till the sun will rise.

"Had a bad dream?"

"More like a bad memory." Felix sighed and looked at his lap. Changbin looked over, even after a month, he was still such a mystery. He would have these bad dreams often, and each time he would go to Changbin to either sit with him on the roof or just sit with him in his room.

"Do you wanna talk about it, or just sit?" Changbin always asked, even though Felix always said to just sit. He wanted him to change his choice, he wanted to know the younger better. Changbin knew pretty early on into the month that he had an attraction toward Felix, but he couldn't tell how the younger felt. Those moments were when he cursed that he could only feel bad emotions, not good ones.

"I guess we could talk about it." Felix was hesitant, so Changbin stayed quiet to let him start the story. "I first shifted when I was about 8 I think. I was actually a demon, looked just like Minho, but because I was one of the first to shift, I was kept in Australia for a while. The people there were crazy, they thought they would try to experiment. And because I was a demon, a creature with a lot of strength, they took me." Felix's voice was distant as he stared out on the horizon. His eyes glazed over as he remembered hidden memories, but Changbin wanted him to continue.

"What did they do to you?" Changbin softly asked, Felix letting out a soft sigh in response.

"They took an Incubus, another type of demon, and-" Felix's voice finally broke "-and killed him. They injected me with his blood, thinking to create their own type of Creature. I-I was forced into the shifting form for ab-about a week. The Incubus' form was combining with my Demon's. I was in so much pain-, but they just watched and congratulated themselves." Felix finally broke down, his back slumping, heavy tears streaming down his face. He pushed his palms into his eyes, trying to stop from crying, but the sobs kept coming.

Changbin scooted closer and wrapped an arm around the youngers shoulders. He softly pulled him closer to his body and let out a long breath as the boy turned and buried his head in his chest, wrapping his arms around his torso. Changbin ran his hands through his hair and rubbed his back, every single sob Felix let out, Changbin could feel through him.

"I shift when I am mad because I am so unnatural. My mind can't take the entire shift so it shuts off halfway through." Felix's voice was soft, he sounded so broken. He didn't know why he suddenly felt so safe with Changbin. He couldn't tell what the feelings he had were. At first he thought he just was drawn to him because he was the only other person besides Minho to talk to him. Now he knows that is not the case, Changbin was something more that Felix couldn't put his finger on, and he hated it. He hated to see one of the other boys get close to him, or when Changbin helped the other boys and left him for a while. He hated the jealousy and he didn't even know why he had it.

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