November 7, 2111, District 9

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"Your leader?" Chan practically yelled. "Felix is a monster, I'm not surprised his followers would be ones too."

"Let me guess, you challenged him?" The boy with the wings said, he smirked and crouched down, ready to fight the boy, but he was stopped.

"Minhyuk, stand down." Felix has stood up and limped forward. Hyungwon grabbed onto the other to stabilize him. "They still don't know who you all are, so just stand down until they do, than we will see what the verdict is."

"Felix-" Minhyuk turned, about to argue, but Felix scowled and made a small growling noise, making him stand down.

"Hyungwon, help Jeongin and Jisung. They attacked me so your acid will probably help more than anything." Felix gestured to the two boys that were still bleeding terribly. Jisung's shoulder and the top of his back was covered in scratches and bruises, and Jeongin had different wounds all along his body.

"Come here." Hyungwon let go of Felix and gestured to Jeongin, but Chan grabbed onto his arm and pulled him behind him, not letting the boy go. "Fine, than you, or are you too scared of me too?" Hyungwon huffed, now turned to Jisung, who had a shirt wrapped around his shoulder to try to stop the bleeding. Jisung glances at Minho besides him before walking forward.

"Jisung-" Chan tried to call for him but Hyungwon interrupted.

"Ah, Jisung, well I am sorry because this will probably hurt like a bitch, but it will feel better afterwards, okay?" Hyungwon pulled away the blood sodden shirt from the boys shoudlers and licked two of his fingers before sliding them along the raw lines. Jisung yelled, grabbing onto Hyungwon's arm but relaxed more as his entire shoulder was now scabbed over and stable. Hyungwon did the same along the other shoulder and his back. Jisung had a scratch going from the corning of his mouth, probably from Felix grabbing and pulling his jaws, but Hyungwon didn't stabilize it, trusting it would heal fine by itself.

"Felix?" Minho said as he stood forward and grabbed onto Jisung, Hyungwon stepping back and leaning down to now start healing Felix's thigh. "Who are they?"

"Who do you think?" Felix scoffed, grunting as Hyungwon touched his bite mark. Seungmin was grabbing onto Hyunjin's arm, the older holding the boy behind him. When the younger connected the dots however he stood next to Hyunjin, a little glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"They are from District 8, they are the winners along with you." Seungmin was held back by Hyunjin, but he was also clutching the boys arm as well, both still wary of the boys in front of them.

"Stop being so excited, kid." The boy with wings still hasn't let them shrink. "From how your friends here are acting, we won't be staying long. Besides, Felix is needed elsewhere."

"I am?" Felix asked, surprised by the boy.

"You probably connected the dots, Kihyun, Hyunwoo and Hoseok were all taken to help add to the army they are creating." Felix scowled, looking up at Chan to see the boy's eyes widen and also stare at the younger. "We need you back to help save them, and free the others."

"You believe me now, jack ass?" Felix asked, Chan scowling and looking away, a childish move that had the new boys chuckling.

"You're their leader?" The boy that can control metal said with a chuckle. "How are all of you not dead yet? A leader pouting because he was proven wrong? Weak as hell."

"Changkyun, stop teasing, it's mean." Minhyuk teased, the five boys all laughing. "What even is your power? Why would you let two members fight as you run and hide? Especially when one of those boys seem to be more special to you?" Minhyuk threw questions at the boy, but Chan didn't answer, making the District 8 boys laugh more.

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