November 8, 2111, District 9

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After all the boys were fed and found their own rooms, all of them crashed. Jeongin went to bed with his thoughts swimming around each and every problem they had faced. He really liked Chan, the older really helped him when he was younger when they were still stuck in the labs back at District 3, but now that Jeongin is older and stronger, he doesn't need a babysitter anymore. All Chan does is keep him close and cause petty fights. The only reason Felix turned fully was because he flew with Jeongin in tow. Jeongin actually loved the experience, it was fun and really cool, but it was so high up that when they finally touched down again he didn't know what to do other than just lay on the ground for a second. Jeongin hates when they argue, especially when it just causes them to fight.

The boys woke up with the sun like usual, but the boys from District 8 were already sitting in the living room area as the other boys slowly started to decend from the stairs. No one thought anything of it and they all sat around for a second, no one really saying anything as they were all still waking up. As everything was silent they started hearing muffled voices from upstairs, one recognizable as Jeongin the other could only be Chan.

"You can't control me Chan! I am not a little kid! I am literally 18 years old, you are only two years older than me, so don't put yourself on such a high pedestal!" Jeongin's voice could be heard, all the boys in the living room area listening.

"So what, you are still important to me-" Chan tries to combat against the boy but was cut off.

"So you fight with Felix, someone you know that will fucking beat your sorry ass in the ground, and when I start fighting him you run and hide?" Jeongin pauses for a moment, Chan staying silent. "You couldn't grab me and put a force field up? You couldn't put a force field around all of us? Or, here's an idea, you could have just let the damn boy be! He didn't do anything wrong, all he did was fly when he was grabbing onto me! I was fine, not even hurt a bit but you were so eager to fight him that you didn't even think about that!" Jeongin was silent for a second, no one saying anything as they waited for one of the boys to say anything.

"You know why I don't trust him." Chan said calmly, but Jeongin chuckled and fought back.

"Do you know how stupid your reason is?" Jeongin went cold, Felix stood up, about to go up and try to break the boys up but Minho grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling him back down.

"How is my reason stupid? He is a liar and a killer! None of those boys should be trusted! All they know is to kill to survive, what if they all turn on us? What if they band together to kill us just like they did in Distrct 8?" Chan yelled, his voice hitting all of the boys hard. "And Felix is the worst! He has no control over his emotions and can kill us without even a thought! For fucks sake he has already almost killed all of us more than once!"

"You know his reason! He can't control it because he was experimented on! It's not his fault humans wanted to-"

"That is no excuse! We were stuck in a lab for a long ass time and both of us are just fine aren't we?"

"YOU ARE SO FUCKING INSENSITIVE AND RUDE! We were tested for drugs, serums to stop our powers! HE WAS INJECTED WITH ANOTHER CREATURES BLOOD!" Jeongin's voice came out on growls, but he was now filled with rage. Both of the boys were silent, no sound of anything in the large building. Jooheon stood up and walked toward the stairs, but stayed at the base. As he was about to make his way up, Chan's voice was heard once again.

"All of those boys are leaving, that's final. And you aren't going anywhere, you are going to stay up here, because I said so and I know best." Chan said strictly, there were a few steps heard but they stopped before they could get anywhere.

"I'm going nowhere my ass! I am sick of this, if you don't like them how about you leave? They can protect us better than your weak rude ass. Felix thinks like a leader, you think like a selfish jack ass that thinks his boyfriends need protecting. Well you're wrong, because I don't need protection, nor am I your boyfriend." Jeongin fought back once again, this time his steps started to be heard, he was seen at the top of the stairs before they heard Chan once again.

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