November 8, 2111, District 9

501 28 2

The boys were standing outside for a few more moment before they heard a low rumble come from the sky.

"No way." Hyungwon looked up and smiled, looking around to the boys. "Please say that was thunder." None of them have seen rain in forever, at least a few years now. That one low rumble promised rain, promised a storm. They all smiled and chuckled as they heard another crack of thunder, this time louder and closer.

"It's gonna storm!" Jeongin looked at the sky, smiled and giggling. The rain started sprinkling down, but all the boys watched and laughed.

"Felix?" Minhyuk turned and smiled, his wings bursting through his back, ripping through his shirt he had on. "Wanna join me? Minho too?" He crouched down and jumped, propelling himself into the air, circling around as he waited for the other two boys. Felix smiled, pulling off his shirt for his wings to come out of his back, Minho doing the same. They both got into the air and the three looked at each other than back to the boys on the ground.

"We're gonna fly for a bit." Felix said as there was a lightning strike above them, the rain coming down harder and harder each second.

"Be careful!" Jisung yelled, mostly to his boyfriend but also to the other two boys. They turned to each other and smiled.

"Race ya to the first cloud!" Minho started flying high, the two others yelling after him. The boys on the ground watched as Minhyuk passed Minho, but Felix quickly passed both of them, showing the strength of a hybrid of the two other boys. Felix's wings were bigger than Minhyuk's, and you could now tell the difference between them. As Minhyuks wings were elegant, gold wings shining even in the gloomy morning, Felix's gold was muted. The tops of his wings were covered in black feathers, but you could see more of the bone structure, like the wings of a bat, Minho's wings. They were powerful, one wing beat and he was far away from the two other boys.

"Come on, they'll be out for a while." Jooheon said and ushered the boys inside out of the rain.

"Why do you say that?" Jeongin asked, walking in and shaking out his his hair like a dog.

"Minhyuk used to be able to fly high above the clouds during storms when he was free. He talked a lot about it with us when we were back in District 8." Jooheon explained.

"He used to tell us how cool it feels to just be held in the air without doing anything, and how beautiful it is above everything." Changkyun said with a smile. "He would describe it as his escape, and he had just about given up on doing it ever again once we were taken to District 8. I guess he got his wish though."

"Felix's strength really is the combination of a Incubus' and a Demons." Changbin said quietly as he looked out the window to the boys. He could see the three fly between the clouds, and Felix was much quicker than both of them.

"Yeah, there was a reason he was the house favorite." Hyungwon said solemnly. "Sadly that also meant he was beaten the most."

"Really?" Hyunjin said surprised. "I would've thought they would want him to be strongest at all times, not trying to hurt him more."

"Nope, cause if he was hurt somehow, it was a harder fight for him." Jooheon said. "Did he tell you the story of his hardest fight? A couple month before he busted out?"

"No, what happened?" Seungmin wondered, but the boys all looked at each other.

"W-we need to ask Felix's permission to say it." Hyungwon said. "Felix doesn't like telling it, but I also don't think he would like so many other people know either. It's sensitive, as you can imagine." They boys nodded, all still relaxing in the living room. But Jeongin broke the silence.

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