November 7, 2111, District 9

586 28 18

Felix stared into Minho's eyes as he walked forward, his mouth curling up into a sickly smile. Minho knows his mistake, Felix was most likely going to try to attack; so, thinking quickly, he shifted into his demon form. His bat-like wings sprouting from his back as his teeth grew sharp and his eyes turned black.

"Ohhhh~" Felix's voice came out in a terrifying growl. "Demon wants to play?" His head cocked to the side, making Felix not only look deadly, but also absolutely insane.

"Felix, snap out of it." Minho tried to say, but Felix only chuckled darkly in response. "I know you, you know me, we wouldn't hurt each other." Minho tried his hardest to stand firm, but when Felix took a step forward, he had to take a step back. At that point, he was scared of his own friend.

"That's the interesting part, Demon." Felix once again talked, now sounding more distant. "Your brain wants me to stop, but my brain is telling me your brain is being too loud." Felix jumped forward, Minho pushing Jisung clear as their bodies collided. Minho has never been able to beat Felix, on the ground nor in the air, but he was always able to get a good fight before he lost.

Minho tried to punch and kick Felix, using his knowledge of boxing to his advantage, but each hit was taken with barely any pain from the other. Felix himself was pushing Minho away, not looking to attack yet, but that soon changed.

As Minho threw yet another punch, Felix promptly grabbed it and threw his hand away, the other hand going up to the others neck, lifting him off the ground easily. Minho tried to get out of his grip by pumping his wings, flying into the air, but Felix followed suit. As they got into the air Felix grabbed tighter, spinning around and throwing the other toward the ground with extreme force, not letting Minho react quick enough.

His back hit the ground hard, his wings crumpled beneath him as the breath was knocked out of him. Jisung ran to him quickly, screaming out his boyfriends name.

"Minho!" Jisung slid besides the older, grabbing the sides of his face. His older boyfriend gasped, but it was raspy and shallow. Felix dropped down behind the pair, his cloven hooves hitting the rough ground hard.

"Aww, baby Jisung doesn't know what to do without his little demon." Felix taunted, chuckling darkly. Jisung turned around, roaring as black fur surrounded his body and he crouched down on all fours. "Okay, kitty, lets play." Before Jisung or Felix could do anything, Jeongin pounced onto Felix's back, bringing him down before he was able to attack the panther. The wolf sunk his teeth into the others shoulder, his weight nocking the other down as the panther ran forward and tried to get at the boys legs. Felix let out a screech but his arm came up, grabbing onto the wolves silver scruff, he held tight and pulled the wolf forward and up, making the Hybrid flip onto his back and let go of his grip on his shoulder.

Just as Felix was going to crawl forward and start attacking Jeongin, Jisung sunk his teeth into his thigh, but Felix was quick to turn over and grab onto the panthers face. Felix forced the panthers jaws apart, and before he could brutally tear his bottom jaw clean off, Jeongin attacked once again. Each time Felix got one of the Hybrids away from him, the other attacked once again. Even though Felix bled, he seemed to not pay attention to the damage, Jisung and Jeongin both were bleeding from parts of their bodies. Jisung had gashes from Felix's sharp teeth along his shoulders and Jeongin's body had scratches from being thrown into the rough dirt so many times.

As the three boys battled, Chan ushered everyone into the dorm room, but Changbin stayed. He turned to Chan his jaw unhinging, the leathery skin being pulled taught from the stretch.

"Get ready to grab Jisung." Changbin's voice tumbled out of his chest, Chan's arms covered in goosebumps from the sound. Changbin turned and moved toward the three battling boys. He raised his hands, the shadows of two different buildings swimming away from their form toward the boys. They pushed through Jeongin and Jisung, clenching around Felix's dark shadow. Chan rushes forward, grabbing onto Jisung and pushing the Panther toward the dorm room. Minho was standing by the door, and Jisung bound toward his boyfriend, staying in his animal form.

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