1 - Falling in drunk.

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' It would be fun. ', ' just come by you can leave whenever. ',  ' don't be such a bore just come. ' Joe sighed deeply as looked at all the people being drunk or either high, or both. He wished he never agreed to tag along with Rami since this party was the most boring thing ever. " Come on Joe have a drink. " Rami put a glass on the counter shoving it towards the boy. " Rather not. " Joe declined as he pushed it away. " Oh what is the worst that could happen? " Rami asked shoving the glass yet again infront of Joe. " Getting a huge hungover the next day making me overdose on fucking paracetamols to make it less worse. " Joe explained detailed as he now put the glass away. " So? You never go out. This would just be once right? " The blackhaired boy asked as he poured in yet another glass putting it infront of Joe. " Move on. " Rami said as he looked at the boy just staring down at the glass. He sighed as he patted Joe's shoulder before walking away. 

Rami just wanted the best for his friend, to be happy. Rami was 18 when he met Joe not immediately clicking between the two since Joe actually couldn't stand Rami but with time they talked more and they became one. They were 19 when they both transferred to the same school. Joe was 20 when he heard from the cops that his parents died in a car crash making his world fall apart. Not many weeks later he moved in with Rami in his apartment. Rami tried everything to be there for him, he cared about Joe and only wanted Joe to be happy. It sort of worked when not even a year later Joe told him he had his own apartment not that far from Rami's since he: ' Wanted to be close with my best friend you know? ' Joe said as he smiled surely to him making it clear that Rami helped enough to pull himself up again. 

Joe stopped having fun. He liked staying at home staring at his wall and feeling nothing. He liked being alone. He liked not having someone else around him. He liked it. 

Joe was deep in thought as he looked at the glass infront of him. Having discussions with himself not being sure if he had to do it or not. He hesitated snaking his fingers around the glass looking at it as if it was poison, it was. But poison also made most things go numb right? He waited another second before he raised the glass to his mouth drinking everything. He put the glass down hard as he swallowed everything feeling the liquor burn the way through his throat and against his stomach making his chest warm up. He side glanced at the other shot he put away earlier on the counter. He didn't even hesitate the second time he grabbed it and drank it. The alcohol surely kicked in not many minutes later. It wasn't like Joe never drank or got drunk, it just been a while..

Joe stood up clumsy but not all too drunk since he wasn't that weak to liquor. As he walked towards the livingroom where all the people found place he catched the bottle standing on the table. Maybe it was time to forget and move on, he thought as he opened the bottle up and started drinking straight out of it.

One hour in and Joe couldn't even tell what hour it was. He didn't care at that moment since he was currently on the highest step of the stairs looking down at all the people who cheered him on to jump off. He put his leg over the railing when someone pulled him back. " Are dumb?! " Rami asked looking at the boy who only smiled at him dumbly. Rami's eyes darted towards Joe's other hand that was holding a bottle. " I said drink some, not drink a whole fucking bottle you dumbass! " Rami said as he slapped the back of Joe's head making Joe laugh. " Hey are you gonna jump or what?! " A boy downstairs yelled. " Shut up and jump by yourself! " Rami answered dragging Joe away from the staircase while holding the back of his collar. The people booed as the two disappeared. 

" Why the hell would you jump? " Rami asked tapping his foot on the ground in annoyance. " Sorry dad. " Joe apologized. " Never say that. " Rami said as he turned around to leave. " You are going to stay here until you can think normally again. " The boy said as he slammed the door shut.

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