8 - I need you.

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It was quiet for a while now, the two just sitting on bed with Rami getting impatient. Rami gave Jie the time to tell it, he thought it might really be deep since it took him that long to even say one word. He already could sense that Joe was not being like Joe the last two weeks. Well not that he had been Joe anyways since that accident happened but still, he was just acting weird. 

Time was passing by, alot of it. Rami grew more impatient and made the point that his friend was not going to say anything. Rami already was about to stand up and leave the boy but a quiet voice spoke up.

" I met someone.. " 

Joe said, voice cracking. Rami turned his head looking at him as if he said something really out off place, well it was actually because Joe who talked to other people besides Rami? Joe inhaled deeply while fiddling with his fingers resting on his lap. Rami saw that the boy didn't feel really comfortable so he didn't wanted to make it worse to sit next to him since he knew that Joe never really liked people being too close to him. 

" Oh.. " Rami said not really knowing what else to say. Joe looked up at his friend standing. " I, " He cut himself off looking down again. " At that party, " He said quietly. " We met at the party. " Joe finished. Rami kept quiet the whole time since he didn't see the use in getting mad at him for keeping a sort of secret nor did he see the use of him comforting his friend. " We fucked. " Joe said bluntly not really caring anymore, he kept this long enough silent and how longer he distanced himself from Rami how more guilty he would feel.

" That's- " Rami began. " That's great Joe. " He said trying to sound happy even though it was still weird for him. " You finally met a girl and you actually really- " Rami began again but Joe cut him off. " It's not a girl. " He said nervously trying to avoid Rami's gaze. It was quiet and Rami only needed a couple of seconds to realize what Joe was trying to tell him. " Joe.. " The boy trailed off looking at Joe. " What are you trying to say? " Rami asked carefully not to press any buttons. " What I'm trying to say is that I got fucked by a male, made the mistake twice when we went out for your birthday, after that found a piece of paper with his number and called him to hangout and made that same mistake so many times it became a fucking habit! " He ended up raising his voice scaring not only Rami but also himself. 

" Joe- " Rami said again looking at the boy in pity and horror. " What is happening to me? " Joe asked looking at his friend. Joe didn't know much about feeling since he put that away when his life was going downhill but he sure could feel there was something off with him. Joe looked down in confusion and Rami could only look at him in pity, so much pity. " I don't know.. " Joe quietly said and Rami just took his steps closer before standing infront of his friend not quite knowing what he was supposed to do so he just rested his hand ontop of the boy's head. " It's going to be okay, I promise. " Rami tried smiling kindly at Joe when he looked up again.

" I'm sorry that I kept it as a secret. " Joe apologized and Rami just shook his head. " No it's okay. If I could I would thank him. " Rami said softly. " Why? " Joe asked confused knitting his eyebrows slightly. " Well, I don't know if you know but, you just apologized to me.. " He trailed off and Joe's eyes widened. " I did? " He asked and Rami couldn't feel any happier because besides the fact that his friend really apologized he just widened his eyes in realization and that was new for Rami since he only saw Joe with one facial expression. " He's changing you Joe. " Rami smiled at him and Joe nodded quickly going back to his everyday facial expression. " No he's not. " Joe claimed turning around grabbing his phone to see if he got any notifications since he probably left Ben on ' Seen ' because of the situation. 


- why did you leave me on seen? 😔

- i hope everything s ok? 

- do you need me to visit u ??

Rami just rolled his eyes when he remembered the words Joe just said while looking at his friend who was now secretly smiling. 

Luckily after that conversation Joe had alot to tell Rami about Ben and at first it was fun for Rami and it made him happy to see his friend literally glow whenever he would talk about the boy but it soon became a regular thing which made Rami bored.

" Can we talk about someone else rather than Ben? " Rami suggested getting a fry thrown against his face. " Shut up. " Joe said making Rami laugh. " My friend is coming today by the way. " The black-haired boy said as he took a sip of his drink. " The one you have a crush on but won't tell her since it would ruin your friendship? " Joe asked in one breath making Rami choke on his drink. " How do you- Nevermind. " He brushed off waving his hand. " Anyways, yes. Her. " Rami said before he stole a fry from Joe's plate. After just a moment of Joe and Rami talking someone interrupted them. " No hello either? Okay? " The voice spoke and Rami looked behind him seeing the girl standing there. " Lucy? How did you know I was here?! " Rami asked almost choking on his fry but he managed to stand up and walk towards the girl. " You have to turn off your location on Snapchat, weird people could track you. " The girl named Lucy said and Rami just tilted his head. " Awh you care about me? That's so- " He got cut off by a slap on the back off his head. " Shut up and give me a hug. " Lucy said before wrapping her arms tightly around him turning them around so that Rami was facing Joe who was still sitting at the table. 

' Oh my god. ' Rami mouthed at Joe making Joe roll his eyes with a small smile plastered on his face. " So who's that? " Lucy asked after breaking their hug. " Oh that, that's Joe. " Rami said looking at Lucy while she was looking at Joe. " You finally got yourself a boyfriend? " Joe choked on his drink because of the question. " What? Oh- No he's- " Rami tried to explain but the girl already took her steps towards the boy. " Hello Joe! " She greeted as she sat down infront of him. " Uhm, hi. " Joe greeted back of course, not that enthusiastic. 

" Did I say something wrong? " Lucy whispered to Rami who was sitting next to her. " No, he's like this with everyone. Joe has uhm, " He stopped looking at the boy who was not paying attention and only looking down. " Let's say that he has trouble with reacting or just feeling in general. " Rami explained still keeping his voice down. " Oh, did something happen to him? " 

" His parents died in a car crash. " Lucy grew silent at that looking at the boy. " But don't talk about that or talk anything about how he reacts to things because he knows, and the worst thing he can't find himself anymore.. " Rami trailed off. Seeing Joe stand up and grab his jacket. " Where are you going? " Rami asked looking up. " I gotta go. " Joe said quickly before walking away. 

It might be rude towards the new girl but Joe just couldn't be there no longer, he was growing really uncomfortable. It's just what happened to him whenever he was with someone he didn't knew. Joe grabbed his phone out of his pocket and called the number he wanted to call for two days now since they didn't see each other for so long. 

It only took a couple of rings until it got replaced with a deep voice sending shivers down Joe's spine. 

" You miss me huh? " Joe could hear the boy smiling through the question making him break into a smile too. " Shut up, I'm coming over. " 

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