13 - I wanna talk to you.

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Five days passed by, still nothing from Ben. It was nerve wrecking for Joe. So was it really because of Joe being jealous that they don't talk for about five whole days? Or maybe it was just the fact that Ben realized that they were just running in circles, the whole time the same thing. That thought made Joe stop breathing and he couldn't ignore that it made his heart ache. Joe invited Rami to the cafeteria and Gwil joined, they already knew each other but Rami didn't know about the fact of Gwil and Joe dating. 

" That's been long huh? " Rami asked as he looked at the taller next to him, sipping on his drink. " Yeah. How's it been? " Gwil asked the boy. " Good, yeah. You? " Joe just sat there as if he was invisible, why did this happen everytime he invited two people? " So, how's that friend of yours? Still like her? " Gwil teased and Rami tried to slap him but Gwil could miss the hit. " Shut up. " Joe rolled his eyes, literally everything about love or having crushes could make him feel sick. " Why didn't you confess? " Gwil asked making Rami shrug. " I guess she likes someone else.. " He trailed off, playing with the napkin on the table. " Who? " Rami was about to answer but of course at that moment someone had to interrupt. " Hey guys! " Lucy greeted taking a seat next to Rami. What Rami saw was that she wasn't alone. Joe didn't even notice the boy taking a seat next to him, it was until later when he noticed the silence that he looked beside him and was met with Ben's face. " Hey. " He said quietly. " Hey. " Joe replied feeling his heart race in his chest. " Well, " Rami cutted off the awkward silence. " How are you two? " He asked not trying to sound bitter or sarcastic. " Great! Ben just teached me how to play guit- " Lucy started but Rami just cut her off. " Awesome! Now what do you want to eat? " Gwil still sat there confused about this whole situation. " I don't know- Wait, " Lucy stopped looking at Gwil. " Who is the tall boy? " She asked and Joe rolled his eyes. " That's Gwil he's Joe's friend. " 

" Thanks Rami. " Gwil said sarcastically. " And also my dear friend. " Rami finished making Joe and Lucy laugh. Ben could only stare at Joe, it's been five day's since they spoke or even saw each other. " Well, let's go I will pay. " Rami offered as he pulled the girl up and dragged her with him to the counter. That was when it got quiet, too quiet. " So.. " Gwil started looking at Ben. " What's your name? " He tried. " Ben. " The blonde answered as he turned his head towards Joe who was staring off in the distance. " So, Gwil right? " Ben started looking at the boy. " Yeah. " The taller answered. " How do you and Joe know each other? " Gwil and Joe turned their head and looked at each other not really knowing what to say. ' Funny story, we fucked because we were high and that was when we became friends! ' No that's fucking stupid Joe thought. 

" We ehm, " Gwil started looking at Joe unsure what to say. " We met with bowling(?) " Joe shook his head with his eyes wide open but stopped when Ben turned his head towards him. " I didn't knew you bowled? " Ben said innocently. " I never told you. " Joe trailed off as he took a sip of his drink. Gwil felt uncomfortable between the two, there was obviously tension. " Well okay. " Ben spoke out quietly as he turned his head to the otherside. 

" Hello, we're back. " Rami said as he put down the order. " Oh, it's quiet. " Rami spoke again. " So, how's gaming, y'all still into League of Legends? " Gwil asked, he didn't know what to talk about so he just asked something. Ben kept quiet through the whole time, so did Joe. 

It was around 6 PM when they started leaving and just for Joe's luck, Lucy left earlier with Rami, leaving him behind with Ben and Gwil. Great.

They all walked out of the cafeteria and Ben said goodbye but Joe just walked away with Gwil having to apologize to Ben. " He tried it you know.. " Gwil said as they both watched the boy walk further away. " I don't ca- " Joe began but Gwil stopped him. " Stop saying that, you do care. I hate seeing you like this. " Gwil said making Joe look down while pursing his lips. " Now, go to him. " Gwil spoke as he lightly pushed Joe foreward. He looked at Joe standing still with his head still low and when Gwil was about to talk again Joe started taking his steps. The taller smiled at the sight of Joe taking large steps, and larger until he was practically sprinting to the boy. 

Joe joined Ben, trying to keep his breathing steady. " Hey. " Joe greeted weakly. " Don't you need to walk home with Gwil? " Ben asked rather bitterly. " Nah, I wanted to walk with you. " Joe said as he looked at the boy. " Okay. " Ben said shortly. " I'm sorry. I shouldn't react like that. I don't know what that was. " Joe apologized as he looked down. Ben kept quiet for a while still continuing to walk. Joe sighed deeply when he saw that Ben actually really didn't care. It was only a couple of seconds later while they were walking when Joe felt fingers slowly intertwine with his. Joe looked in shock at the hand but didn't pull back. His heart skipped not only one beat but many beats. He felt himself blush madly so he just looked the other way which Ben saw and he couldn't help but smile secretly to himself. 

idk what this was hahs anyways the smut scene is coming. 🤭🤭

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